Chapter 28

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Well guys after reading the comments it has been voted that I will update when I can. I'm sorry to everyone who wanted goals but it was out voted.

I have started school again...😩 I am truly sad but hey the President came to my school today.


On with the story....


Quinn POV

Waking up with Tyla in my arms is a blessing. I'm so glad I got over my shit and apologized. I have never been this happy before. I have Tyla, Ky and Jay in my life and it can't get any better.

I removed my arm from around Ty's waist and rolled out of bed. I ordered us some room service and while it was being delivered I showered. When I got out the shower I heard a knock at the door. I strolled over to the door with my towel hanging on my waist. When I opened the door there stood the boy delivering the breakfast. I took the cart from him and gave him a large tip then took the tray back to the room.

Kyla was up and staring at the ceiling making noises. I went over to her and picked her up making her look at me.

Quinn: Hey baby

She just stared at me smiling. This baby girl was blesses to have Ty as a mother. Even though she's never going to know her real dad I will always be there for her.

Ty: *sleepy voice* Hey what are you doing up?

Quinn: nothing just ordered us some breakfast and talked with Kyla.

Ty: You know she can't talk right?

Quinn: Yea I know

Ty got up and got dressed while I set up breakfast. After we ate we checked out of the hotel and headed home. I couldn't wait to sleep in my bed.

When we pulled up at the house my anger boiled. My son, 4 year old Jaylen August was walking around the front yard. Before I could even do anything Ty hopped out and got him. She came back and got Ky and took them in the house. I didn't even think twice before I sped to that bitches house.

Tyla POV

I couldn't believe she would leave her son outside in a neighborhood she didn't know. Before I could go talk to Quinn he sped down the street. I hope he doesn't do something stupid because I can't take him going to jail.

I set the kids in the living on the floor in the play pen and watched them play. Jay kept kissing Ky on her head. What surprised me the most was what Jay said to me.

Jay: Mama

Me: Oh Shit!

He looks at me with his arms raised for me to pick him up. When I finally did he laid his head on my shoulder and started playing with my curls. The minute Ky saw that he was gone she started screaming. I went over and picked her up and laid her on my chest. I'm going to need Quinn to hurry back.

After a while I put them back in the play pen and went to go start dinner. I decided to make some Hamburgers and French Fries. Keeping it simple. I looked over at the clock when I was finished and it read 8:06 PM. We got home around 1:30 so where is Quinn. I tried calling him but there was no answer.

I fed the kids and let them sit in the living room and watch t.v. Around 8:30 Quinn walked through the door swearing to himself.

Me: Hey baby I made dinner. Hambur-

Quinn: Im not hungry I'm going to go to bed

Before I could even answer him he was upstairs and our room door slammed. I decided to clean up the kitchen and put the food away before taking the kids up and heading to bed.

After rocking Ky and putting Jay to sleep I went over to my room to find the door locked. I knocked but there was no answer. I decided not to push it and sleep in the guest room but when I got in there, it was no covers. I hopped on the bed and curled into a ball to keep warm.

The entire night it was freezing so when I woke up with a sore throat I wasn't surprised. I felt like a sack of shit had been thrown on me. My body ached. I got up from the bed and went to see if my door was unlocked and to my surprise it was. When I walked in I saw Quinn sitting up on the bed with the babies around him. He got up to hug me but I just brushed past him and into the bathroom.

The shower was warn and soothing. After I got out I put on my acid wash jeans, Quinn's black long sleeve shirt and my black Uggs.

Quinn: what's wrong baby?

Me: my throat hurts cause of you. You locked the door so I couldn't get in and I had to sleep in the guest room with no covers.

Quinn. Why didn't you knock?

Me: I did

After that speech I went downstairs to make me a cup of tea to help me feel better. The bell rang knocking me out of my trance and when I opened it there stood a familiar looking man.


Well all I have to say is comment and vote please 😁

Tell me whatever you'd like....about the story of course.


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