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"How long are you gonna stand there and stare?" said Juvie, as his mind had decided to call her, amused.

"I...um...I just wanted..." Klaus stuttered trying to get his mouth to cooperate.

"How about we start off with a "hello"?" She said with an amused tone. "Hi, my name is Cyra. And you are?"

"Ummm. My name is Niklaus, my friends call me Klaus." Niklaus said while holding out his hand. She took it in hers and he felt a pang of electricity sweep through him. He almost jerked away. The only things that stopped him was his gentleman conscience and her surprisingly strong grip.

When they finally let go he asked her why she had decided to come to this pond. He left out the trespassing part from now.

"I heard this pond was beautiful, yet mysterious and volatile, yet entertaining." she said with awe in her voice. "Sorry. I know this is your relative's pond but I had to see it after I heard the rumors."

After he had forgiven her and they talked for a while longer. Turns out she was 15 and from Arkhangelsk, Russia and had lost both of her parents to a fire at their home. She had been on her own since she was 13 and preferred it that way. She was very multitalented. She could throw knives, something her dad, a trainer, had taught her to do. And could speak French, Russian, and English.

"Would you like to come inside for a cuppa?" Niklaus asked after what felt like hours.

"Sure. Black?" she asked skeptically.

"Is there any other kind" he said in a mater-of-fact tone.

As they were walking back to the cabin Klaus tripped over a box on the ground. He stumbled but regained his balance as Cyra just stared down at the box wish bemused eyes.

"When did that get there?" Klaus asked.

"I don't know but I do know who put it here." She said as she kneeled down next to it. As she opened it a key was slowly revealed.
"Wait. Who put it here? How do you know? What's with the creepy key?!"

"Hey! Calm down. I will tell you everything." 

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