Chapter 1

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~Mia's POV~

I was enchanted to meet you. I loved that song. My headphones had that and Long Live on repeat.

"Mia can you please take off your headphones? I want to have somebody to talk to there." My best friend, Kat said. I took my headphones off and paused the music.

"Yeah... I know. But I hate parties! And plus, you make friends easily and Toby will be there for you. And I have another Taylor Swift perfume coming in today!" I whined.

"Ugh! It's Taylor Swift everything, it seems you love her more than me! Please come!" She begged. I gave in.

About half an hour later, at the party, I made up some lame excuse.

"Umm Kat... My sister needs help shopping... Haha you know me... I hate shopping. Sorry I really do have to go help her or else Emma will buy... The wrong shoes." I lied. I was awful at lying. She agreed and I texted my 17 year old sister, Emma Bergs. I was 24. Emma was my adopted sister. My real family? I may never know.

I met Emma outside of the mall near our apartment in New York City. I was on my phone, innocently stalking Taylor Swift, as always. My room back at home was painted Red, but you could barely tell. It was covered in ALL Taylor posters. My comforter and sheets were Taylor Swift, just like my pillows. My 'mom' never objected though.

"Sis! Go in Forever 21 first! The we can go to some store that sells heels and Vans. Good?" Emma asked as soon as we stepped inside.

"Yep sounds perfect..." I said, lost in my Taylor Swift world.

"Are you Taylor Swift?" A 16 year old girl asked, who was wearing too much make up and brown hair that went down to her thighs.

"I wish, but nope, sorry." I replied, rolling my eyes at how many people asked me that. One time I was so annoyed I actually wore a sign that said in bold letters, 'I am not Taylor Swift so don't even ask.' Still people asked. I ignored that and checked my phone. A new tweet from Taylor yay! I walked out of Forever 21 with Emma and sat at a bench near by.

@taylorswift13; I think I'm seeing double right now...

~Taylor's POV~

Finally my plane had landed! I got off and took a cab downtown. I walked into the New York City Mall and braced myself for crazy fans.

"Nice to meet you girls." I said, hugging two little girls who asked for a picture. I was greeted by teenagers and little girls and I gladly signed and took pictures for them. I loved my sweet little Swifties! I walked into Forever 21, and saw a girl looking at her phone. Actually, I saw me looking at a phone! But I'm me... I went over by the cash register to get a better look. My age... My lookalike... Different clothes. She wore a cute little purple dress that covered everything nicely. I like that. I wore a white top and some comfy jeans, with heels my mom bought me. I took out my phone and posted on twitter.

@taylorswift13; I think I'm seeing double right now...

When I looked up though, she was gone. So I just called my mom.

"Mom? Umm.." I laughed. "This is gonna sound so stupid, but do I have a twin?" I chuckled again.

"Umm..." Mom replied. She made me nervous.

"Mom... Do I really?" I asked. By now I was shaking. I called her to get a laugh from... Not to find out I have some long lost sister.

"Meet me at the Starbucks by your place." Mom hastily replied. She hung up then and I was left there. In silent screams, and wildest dreams... I've never dreamed of this.


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