Chapter 7

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*Taylor's POV*

"This is so amazing Taylor! Agh, I cannot believe I'm living here. I've always loved New York. Ever since my first adoptive family was here... But hey, they drive off a bridge so..."

"Oh my gosh Mia that's scary. You say it so casually too," Taylor laughed. "It's like your happy... O well of course you are cause you've met the best person ever... Me duh!" I laughed and unpacked my stuff upstairs in a room labeled, 'Mia's Room of Wildest Dreams', and then I started hanging up my Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez posters.

The room is pure white with a strip of red along the walls and the room is like, 12'8.. It's so big and has a huge chandler in the middle. Accompanied by a flat screen to the left, guitar area for music, and on the right a huge canopy bed that's white, walk in closet that's bigger than my private bathroom right next to it, and then the room has a bunch of windows.

"I have always wanted to decorate a room!" Taylor exclaims for, behind me. I jump a little and turn around to face her.

"Well you sure did! It looks Taytastic (A/N: I have no clue.)"

"Wow Mia... Well umm I'm going on tour next week so it's your to yourself. There's a key in the closet above the red shoes."

"Oh okay." I said, disappointed.


3 Weeks After Taylor Had Left (sorry I'm jumping)

I kind of loved being alone in New York. I made some awesome friends, Maddie and Stephanie. I was actually heading out with them tonight! It was amazing, life was amazing, everything is... Perfect. And to top that, my birthday was in a week, July 22.

I drove down Highway 13 (A/N idk if there's actually highway 13) and suddenly felt dizzy. There were black spots in my vision and for some reason I felt sick and I saw blood. Then, I passed out.

Dun dun dun! Idk I'm kinda getting sick of this and I need a twist..... So here you go!

Love you guys, times 2.
-Kaye, your evil little Swiftie hehe.

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