Meeting The Host club *face palms*

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(Mosaki's P.O.V)(This is before the season finale)(oh and she/he is wearing whats on the cover)(and she lives with Haruhi)

It was my first day at Ouran I transferred schools because I wanted to be near Haruhi she's my only friend really,thankfully Ronku made it possible he's been so nice since... I'll try not to think about it. After class Haruhi is taking me to the host club thing she talks my ear off about. All of them seem crazy but Haruhi likes em so how bad could they be but still.I walked into my class,I have it with Haruhi! She was sitting in between two identical ginger haired boys they were both starring at her. I sat infront of Haruhi

"Hey Mosaki!"she said happily

"Oh uh these two are the Hitachiin brothers I told you about."she said pointing at the boys next to her I just nodded

"so..."The Hitachiin's said in sync I just rolled my eyes and turned around I felt a tap on my shoulder It was Haruhi.

"Just give em a chance O.K and the rest of the host club too O.K."Haruhi smiled I reassured her I would but i need to get to know them better first,then the bell rang the class went by really quickly then it was lunch I stayed in class with Haruhi we talked for a bit then it was time for class again

(Time Skip)

It was after school I was grabbing my stuff and mid pack Haruhi grabbed me by my arm and dragged me to music room #3 and opened the door all the boys were dressed like doctors

"welcome"they all said in sync

"hey guys sorry I'm late I wanted you guys to meet my friend Mosaki!" she said holding my hand up like i just won something a blonde haired boy walked up to me got in my face and yelled..

"RENGE PLEASE EVALUATE!".Then a powerful motor started up and a girl came spinning out of the ground she stared at me for a bit the pointed her finger in the air

"THE MYSTERIOUS TYPE. Because I need to watch him in the host club for a while to determine what type he is."The girl yelled the blonde boy stroked his chin and talked with the other boys in a whisper Haruhi looked hopeful I just put on my headphones for a bit and then the blonde boy burst out.

"YOUR IN!"he said shaking my hand "This is the host club"he took a deep breath "These are the Hitachi twins Hikaru and Kaoru,This is Kyoya Ootori,This is Mitskuni Haninozuka and his close friend Takashi Morinozuka,I take it you know Haruhi and last but of course not least I am TAMAKI SUOH."He said I just awkwardly waved "The host club opens in a bit so lets get you dressed."Tamaki said giving me a doctor outfit and shoving me into a curtained off area 

"Jeez boss why do ya have to be so pushy."Hikaru said

"Ya boss I mean what if..."Kaoru trailed off staring at me suspiciously and I guess all the hosts minds synced and everyone just stared at me with suspicion one ran up behind me with a chair and after i was forcefully seated I was brought to Kyoya 

"so is he..." Kaoru asked

"well...No not that i can make out."He responded I was just confused about what they were talking about. I asked Haruhi what was going on and she whispered to me that they think I'm a boy and wanna know if i was actually a girl but they don't think I'm a girl.I just started laughing she pleaded for me to join the host club and i said O.K i changed when I came out Tamaki looked teary eyed and proud I for like the 5th time i rolled my eyes and he gave me a huge bear hug.


"YOU ARE SQUEEZING ME!"I yelled gasping for air

"Oh your finally talking,well welcome."I heard a little boys voice say I looked down and I saw a blonde haired little boy...he reminds me of... never mind 

"Thanks. Its Mitskuni right? I think was your name sorry but there are a lot of 'members' its hard to remember hehe."I said patting his head

"Its O.K and you got it right!"He smiled hugging his cute bunny he hugged my leg and wouldn't let go I tried to get him off. Takashi tried as well no luck then finally I resorted to taking his bunny and giving it to Takashi. He let go climbed onto Takashi grabbed the bunny and stayed on his shoulders then I heard squealing and the doors swung open Haruhi grabbed me and made me stand next to her everyone but me said welcome in sync a lot of the girls were starring at me whispering.It felt weird I asked Haruhi what she thought they were doing she laughed and said that since I'm new to the club and school it makes me cool she also said it happened to her on her first couple days. I just shrugged it off and tried not to think about it. I went to the corner of the room and looked out the window then Tamaki came up to me with his group of fan girls

"Oh MOSAKI----!!!" he said really perky with his fan girls whispering about him.

"Yes burden of my existence?" I said with a smirk he gave me a dirty look

"Since your part of The Host club now you have to take requests."he said trying not to scream at me

"Did I choose to join the host club?...ah no Haruhi just brought me here and the next thing I knew I was a doctor."I said kinda annoyed he just squirmed away. next the twins came up to me and told me I needed to take requests I gave them a death glare they hugged each other made a scene and then went back to woman discrimination I can't believe these girls actually come here. Even Haruhi was O.K with it well maybe JUST maybe I'll try it tomorrow.

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