The boy lolita finds out

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(Mosaki's P.O.V)(Time: after school)

I was walking up to music room #3 when a bunch of girls trampled me to get to the host club when all the fancy shoes cleared I saw two hands I looked up and it was the twins I just got up myself and kept walking. They ran up to me and stared at me suspiciously looking me up and down then we got to the host club,you can tell because girls are surrounding it. I pushed through the girls and the twins just followed I opened the door slightly so the girls wouldn't peek in or mob through. Everyone was there and ready but me and the twins. They weren't dressed up so I guess there's no theme today I was just wearing what I normally wear (Whats on cover). Haruhi smiled when she saw me so I walked up to her, Tamaki looked jealous I forgot they don't know I'm a girl heh. Then Kyoya got up and examined me."You need a uniform...Tamaki do you mind getting one."Kyoya said looking at him

"Alright but mommy can you.."Then he started whispering in Kyoya's ear he just said maybe. Tamaki ran out and all I heard was girl screams.

"I WILL BE BACK MY PRINCESSES!!"He yelled running off all the girls squealed I rolled my eyes once more. I started talking to about things like who's most annoying to her etc. We laughed and stuff then Tamaki came back with an out fit and black jeans while I was wearing  a hoodie and grey sweatpants.

"I will wear the shirt but I don't really do jeans"  I said taking the shirt then Kyoya whispered something in Mori's ear he nodded and went out of the room and once again girl squeals. Mori came back like two minutes later with black non-baggy sweatpants and gave em' to me I went to the curtained off area and changed after I came out everyone looked at me suprised.

"whu?..."I said confused then Tamaki ran up to me and squeezed me talking about how adorable I was.But to shut em' up I flicked his face 

(Clip of honeys face and then a dark room with 6 light bulbs one turns on)

I wanted to punch him but for some reason Haruhi likes these weirdos so I didn't do anything too severe just then Honey pulled me into the curtained off area and whispered in my ear

"Moso~chan your a girl aren't you."he said secretively I just nodded with a surprised look on my face.

"wow another---"he was about to yell girl but I covered his mouth then I whispered 

"Don't say anything to the others I wanna see if they find out on their own O.K?" I asked him he nodded and we both went back to the others. It was almost time to let the ladies in...

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