Chapter 1

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Mikey Way was the love of my life... until I fell in love with his brother.

It was just supposed to be a fling. A one time thing. That one time thing turned into an every week thing that turned into an everyday thing.

Eventually I fell in love.

He didn't.


I truly loved Michael Way, with all of my soul, and nothing, not even some new love affair, would change my love for him.

That's what I used to think anyway, and then Gerard Way came home from college. It wasn't love at first sight like most of those movies talk about. There was no spark when he accidentally touched me, and no warm, fuzzy feeling. In actuality, I felt anger towards Gerard Way, because of all the looks he gave me. The looks that made it seem like he wanted to devour me, I noticed them. Mikey didn't. Or maybe he did and just didn't think anything of it.

Gerard Way had an aura surrounding him, a confident one that left the impression that he knew he was hot stuff and he wasn't afraid to show it. A secret part inside of me loved that and wanted that confidence, the confidence I could never withhold. I wanted the confidence that Gerard Way put off.

Coincidentally, the same night that Gerard came home, Mikey had an emergency meeting and he had to leave.

"Stay here, babe. I won't be long." He said, leaving a kiss on my lips.

That was also the night that Gerard Way spoke to me for the very first time, with more than just his eyes.

"What's your name?" His voice rang out from the doorway. I jumped, turning from my game on my phone to look at him. He stood with confidence, leaning nonchalantly on the door jam, as if he belonged there. I suppose he did, since it was his home.

"Frank." I eventually stuttered out, turning my attention back to restart my game.

"You're dating my brother, hm?" It wasn't a question, but I answered it like one.

"Yes." With as much confidence as I could muster.

I felt him next to me then, his weight making the mattress dip, and making me lose my concentration, which is another reason why he angered me. You don't mess with my games.

"You're attempt at confidence amuses me." He whispered, "Now tell me something Frankie. If you're so determined to be confident, are you a top or a bottom?"

"Am I a what?" I asked, completely confused as to what the terms meant. I'm sure it had something to do with sex. His whole persona screamed that he was all about sex, just the way he spoke and the way he handled himself.

"Are you a top or a bottom?" He repeated slower.

"I don't even know what that means." I muttered, feeling stupid. I was actually proud to think that I didn't know what it meant. I wasn't into the sexual likings like that. Of course I had thought about it, but I didn't want to do anything until I was ready. I was a proud little virgin boy.

"How do you not know?" Gerard laughed, it wasn't a nice laugh. It was a mean, cruel laugh. Like he was making fun of me for not knowing. He probably was.

"Well—I mean—I don't know." I mumbled, unable to speak up past a whisper.

"Okay. How about this," He said, leaning back on one hand, cocking his head to the side to look at me. I could see him through my bangs. "Would you rather fuck, or be fucked?" He said it so calmly, and I was utterly shocked, how could he say it with such confidence and not even slip over such a... bad word? I had trouble even saying crap.

"I—uh." My cheeks were burning red, and for some strange reason I felt a tightening in my jeans. No. No. No. This wasn't not the reaction that I wanted. I didn't even understand what happened between sex for two guys. I knew a little bit about a man and a woman, but was there a difference between two men?

"I think you're a bottom." Gerard said, I looked over at him, and his gaze wasn't on my face.

"Why do you say that?" I said, feeling hotter.

"Because I would fuck you." He replied automatically, and I felt embarrassed, and angry.

"Really?! Of all the things you could say. You have to be nasty and say you would... you would fuck me?" I said, stuttering slightly, I stood up, standing taller than Gerard. "That's such a dirty way of saying it!"

His facial expression changed from smirky to shocked, he must have been shocked at my outburst. "It's just--." He started but I cut him off.

"You could have said anything else, but no. You had to say that dirty word and be gross!" I yelled, a strange new anger controlling my actions. I yanked him up off of the bed and pushed him to the door. "Trust me Gerard Way. I will never want to... f-fuck you."

Just before I could slam the door in his face, he let his hand out to stop it, and his strength overpowered mine so I couldn't close the door.

"You trust me Frank Iero. Once you get a taste of this, there's no turning back, and trust me. You will taste me. You'll never get enough."

"No." I spitted out. "I will never do anything with you. I love Mikey."

He laughed, "Feelings can and will change. You'll want it, you'll need it, it will be something you crave, like a drug. Mikey doesn't need to know..." His voiced lowered to a whisper as he walked closer to me. "Let me know when you change your innocent little mind." He whispered, his lips grazed mine.

I could barely move, I was frozen in his gaze. I melted underneath and I couldn't move. The most I could do was close my eyes and whisper back.



Oh, how I was wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2016 ⏰

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