Best Friends | Stiles Imagine

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Got the idea from voidstiilinski , thanks carwizzle :).


She was so amazing, she was so beautiful, she is my best friend. Her name is Y/N, but I never had the courage to go up and tell her I liked her, I really didn't want to ruin what we had, plus, I might say something stupid.

But, I was planning on talking to her about it, hoping nothing would be awkward, I was on my way to Y/N's house right now, knowing she would be there because she usually had a lot of homework to do, or she's studying.

I held a bouquet of flowers in my shaking and sweaty hands, trying to tell myself to calm down, I breathed in and out, telling myself "Don't do anything stupid, like you usually do, Stiles."

I kept on walking to her house, thinking of how the scenario could go, there was one way, where she would have the same feelings for me, and we'd end up together and get married, like how I kind of thought how me and Lydia could be together, but I'm kind of over her (I'M STYDIA AF BY THE WAY).

There is also the second way, where she wouldn't feel the same and we'd never talk to each other again because it would be too awkward and I'll feel heartbroken, but I'm kind of hoping for the first plan.

"C'mon Stiles, you can do this, you're talking to Y/N, she will be okay and you guys will start dating and you'll have a happy family," I told myself, trying to calm down once again.

I finally reached her front door, I took in one last deep breath before ringing her doorbell (or knocking on her door, depends if you have a door bell).

I waited there for a little bit, about maybe, two minutes? There was no answer, so this time I knocked.

Still no answer, so I tried seeing if the door was unlocked, just to check if she was okay because Beacon Hills isn't one of the safest places on Earth.

The door was unlocked.

Panic rushed through me, what if she got kidnapped?!

I walked into her house, looking to see if anyone was there, but I only heard one thing, something very strange.

And that's when I looked in her living room, seeing as my two best friends were making out with each other.

Heartbreak washed over me, I didn't plan on this happening, at all.

Scott was on top of Y/N, and I immediately hid the flowers behind me, Y/N finally noticed me, pushing Scott off of her.

"Hey Stiles!" She smiled, with that beautiful smile.

She stood up, hugging me, Scott did the same.

"So, um, you two are a, uh, thing?" I stuttered, Y/N wasn't mine, she never was.

"Yeah, we've probably been dating for about, two months?" Scott answered, I didn't know of this, which surprised me.

My two best friends are dating, and one of them happens to be who I like, and I wasn't aware of this before.

"So, why are you here?"

"Well, uh, I just wanted to let you know," before I could even finish my sentence, I ran out of the door, sad and heartbroken.


That was a short and sad/cute little imagine, special thanks to my best friend Carly for this idea.

|Read, your life depends on it.|

Teen Wolf ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora