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"This is seriously the sickest tattoo I've ever seen! I'm so jealous, Leigh." My best friend Rose says excitedly.

She's been constantly fangirling and obsessing over how I finally got my soulmate tattoo all day. It's finally the last period of the very last day of school, we'll be doing the walk ceremony to graduate tomorrow. Which meant that basically all of our classes weren't important to pay attention in anymore, since seniors leave classes two weeks before the rest of the class levels.

"I just can't believe I got it, I really thought I wouldn't. And then when I checked my arm I was sure I didn't get it, everybody in my family got theirs on one of their arms. Except the one who had a big one on her ribs. But still, nothing has been this detailed."

"Yeah, and all of our friends, including yours truly," she smirked, "have small ones. Yours is like 6 inches by 8 inches, it's huge compared to our coin sized tattoos."

"I know." I giggle a bit before stopping myself and Rose shakes her head. "I wonder who my soulmate is." I look at Rose and she merely shrugs, leaning back in her seat.

"Could be anybody."

"Thanks. Really, you're such a huge help."

"I try." I laugh and shake my head at my best friend. "Hey, now you have to start dressing better, never know when you're gonna meet the lucky guy or gal." She winks.

"Oh, as if. I'm not going to change who I am, I was paired with whoever this person is for a reason. I don't want to pretend with whoever they are, my first impression should be the same as always."

"I guess that makes sense, I didn't really think about it that way."


When I get home I quickly realize that my mom isn't at work, and instead is in the kitchen.

"Hey mum, what're you doing home?"

"Well, I've got a surprise for you."

"What do you mean?"

"Remember when I said I didn't have your present yet, but I'd have it soon?" I nod. "Well it's here." I smile, waiting.

"What is it?" I ask anxiously. It's been a couple of weeks since my birthday so I'd actually forgotten about my mystery present, but now that it'd been brought back to my attention I was beyond excited.

"Okay, okay. Calm down, I don't know how you're going to react to this kind of gift." I raise an eyebrow at my mother, suddenly nervous about what the hell this present could possibly be.

"Okay well, what is it?" I walk a few feet closer, so that I'm now only standing about a foot from my mother.

"Okay, here." She thrusts an envelope towards me.  "Don't ask how I got this, and don't worry about the cost. I just want you to enjoy it." Still skeptical, I slowly opened the envelope. My mouth fell open, they were tickets. One round trip to the UK, and the other for a concert. My eyes widen as I hold them, my hands shaking slightly.


"Yeah, munch?"

"Thank you, thank you so much." I look up to her with a wide smile and glossy eyes, practically tackling her in a hug.

"I know how much you wanted to see them." She smiled back, rubbing my back quickly before releasing me from the hug. I looked at the tickets in my hands again.

"I can't believe I'm going to meet them." I smile, not quite sure I can believe that I get to go to the UK and meet the boys who've saved my life with their music.

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