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Louis' mood swings were showing up again, faster then before. One minute he'd be rolling his eyes or clenching his jaw, the next I'd catch him looking at me and he'd look away with a small smile.

The boys were letting me stay with them for the few remaining days of my small vacation, it was the day after the 5sos concert and we'd decided to go swimming. I had to go to the store and get a bathing suit, and I had just gotten changed and was now making my way to the pool they had on the first floor. Harry had shown me where it was when he'd given me a tour, so I don't have trouble finding my way down the hall leading to the indoor pool. When I enter the room I look around, finding Zayn hanging out on a chair, Louis sitting in the hot tub staring into space, and the rest of the boys messing about in the pool.

"Hey boys." I say as I set my towel on a chair, stripping my cover up from my body and setting it on top of the towel as well. I glance at Louis before moving, realizing that he noticed me walk in but is purposely trying not to react. His face and back are tense as he leans back and focuses his attention on the ceiling.

I decide to get into the hot tub and then jump in the pool right after, so that any shock I may have will leave my body and I can move between the two with ease later.

I make my way to the hot tub, the boys in the pool stop what they're doing for the time being to watch what I'm doing. Louis straightens up when he realizes I'm actually getting in the water. I make my way in, slowly at first until my thighs are under. Then I stand with my legs bent in the center of the hot tub, so that my shoulders are submerged. Louis stares into my eyes, questioning what I'm doing.

I then completely submerge myself for a few seconds, long enough to make them confused. And I get out quickly, smiling at Louis, and running across the room to dive in the pool. The other boys hoot and holler as I cannon ball in, and swim to me while I surface and let out a squeal.

"Why'd you do that? That must have been bitter cold!" Harry laughed, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. 

"Easy, now I can go back in the hot tub later and back here without worrying about the temperature change." I shrug, Harry lets go of me and then signals for me to hop on his back. I raise a brow, crossing my arms and not moving.

"We're going to play chicken, come on. You're on my team!" He turns back around and lowers his frame so I can easily sit on his shoulders, meanwhile Niall climbs on top of Liam's shoulders. 

"Ready? Go!" Liam and Harry shout at the same time and charge towards each other. Niall and I grip each others arms, each of us trying to shove the other into the water. Niall manages to make me tip backward slightly, causing me to let out a small squeal. Apparently my squeal worries him because he lets up a bit, only to be shoved over and fall into the water. 

"Yes!" Harry lowers us into the water so I can get off and we high five each other, using both hands and then breaking out into little happy dances of our own. As Niall surfaces I turn and position my fingers in an L on my forehead and stick my tongue out at them, then turn to high five Harry again while they laugh. Liam's laughter dies down and I turn back around to see what we should do next. 

"Li, you look you've seen a ghost mate." Harry chuckles, but Liam is staring at me now. 

"What? Do I have a bug on my shoulder?" My eyes widen and I turn in circles, trying to see if theres a bug on my body. I hate bees and spiders. When I stop and look around again, Harry and Liam are both staring at me. I glance at Niall and he shrugs, we both look at them and see that they're now having a silent conversation with their eyes. As if they're confirming that they're thinking the same thing. 

"Guys, seriously. Why are you acting like that?" 

"It's probably nothing." Harry speaks first, glancing at Liam and then back to me. 

I hear movement from the hot tub and look over, to find Louis getting out. Looking as unimpressed as ever, the grumpy version of Louis makes his way to where Zayn is sitting. He quickly grabs a towel, tossing it in the air to catch it and dry his hair. My eyes follow the muscles in his back, but narrow when I see the tattoo splayed on his right shoulder. I quickly glance to Harry, but he won't meet my eyes, when I look back to Louis he's already looking at me. I look back at Harry again. 

"Harry," His gaze remains on his fingers making ripples in the pool water. "Harry," I say with more force and he glances up hesitantly. "Are you seriously holding something back from me?" I try to keep my voice stern, but waver part way through as I think about exactly what he's neglected to tell me. 

"Lee, I-" Harry starts, but stops as I start running as fast as I can  through the water. Though Harry would be faster than me on land, the water makes him move at the same speed as me. "Kealleigh! Wait up, let me explain!" 


I finally reach the stairs leading out of the pool and sprint up them, running past Louis and taking my things from the seat next to Zayn.  As soon as I make eye contact with Louis while running back past him, he bolts out of his seat and chases after me along with Harry. I make my way through the halls of the house and sprint up to the second floor, running into a random bedroom and locking the door after I slam it shut. Seconds later, I hear heavy breathing as someone tries to open the door, sighing when they realize it's locked. 

"Kealleigh come on, let me in." Harry's voice comes through the door, his accent becoming thicker as he gets more frustrated. "Please, just let me talk to you. I didn't know, I just knew the date it arrived. I didn't know it was tied to you." 

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