Missing Person Report

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Case Name/Number:      NY17/23012009/8349 Agency NYPD, 17th Precinct

Date:          01-29-2009

Time:     16:30

Information taken by:     PO Neil Kakaadjan

Caller's Name:         Gerald Spooner

Call-back number:       212-234-2344

Address:   592 Warwick St, Brooklyn, NY

Home Phone:       718-342-7320

Business Phone:       212-234-2344

Cell Phone, Other Numbers:        917-253-4637

Relationship to missing person:         Employee

Reason for reporting this person missing:          Strange behavior at work, started using e-mail all of a sudden, not answering phone, says he is home sick with laryngitis, no answer at door, GPS on work cell phone says it is located in London, Canada, he has suddenly started championing a comic strip by two artists from this same city, Mr. Spooner fears he has been kidnapped.

Missing Person

Full Name:      Ray Bennett                   Nickname(s):         None

Subject's primary language:             English

Home address:         312 E 75th Street, NY, NY

Home Phone:         646-852-4627

Business Phone:        212-969-3975

Cell Phone, Other Numbers:         917-951-2386


Age:    52

Race:    Wht

Gender:     M

Hgt:     5'9"

Wgt:   205

DOB:      10/27/56

General Description and Clothing Worn When Last Seen:     Navy pants, blue pinstriped shirt, deck shoes, green coat. Balding, medium height, thick around the middle, sometimes wears white socks with dark shoes.

Details of Loss

Location missing from:         Durst Tower Office Building, 298 W 57th St, NY, NY, 10019, 14th Floor

Point Last Seen (PLS):         In his office

Day/Date Last Seen:         Friday, January 23rd, 2009

Time Last Seen:         17:30

Last seen by whom:         Receptionist, Vera Frankovich

Vehicle description, if driving:         N/A

Destination(s), stated intentions:          None – assumed to be going home that evening

Has this person been the object of a search in the past?         No

If so, describe date(s), circumstances of loss, how long missing, when found, where found, condition when found and actions taken by subject while missing (if known)

Additional Information and Comments

Buzzed out of building using passcard at 6:30pm, security video shows patient being transported in wheelchair at that time wearing Mets cap, incident report log from cleaning staff says they found a janitor's uniform in the trash in missing person's office and logged in lost and found on the 25th.

Call-out Information

Search base/command post location, directions, phone numbers, radio frequencies:

Check for parking tickets and driving citations on the date in question.

Resources notified:       FBI.

Closing Report

Subject Location:



Located By:

Incident Summary:


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