Whatcha say?!

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"Bye guys" you said to the camera.

You soon stopped your recording and Mark did too.

"Well Mr.Mark I must be leaving for I have some friends to play with" 

"Ok fair maiden goodbye" he said

"Goodbye" you giggled

You relaxed on your bed until you got a call from Evan. You answered.

"WAZZUP!" You shouted into the phone.

You heard someone fall and curse. You bursted into a laughing fit as he cursed more. 

"Really" he sighed

"Watcha want Owl Boy?" You huffed 

Evan chuckled at the nickname.

"You gonna play" he asked

"What though" you asked turning on your computer

"Hide and seek with Wildcat, Delerious, Nogla, Marcel, Lui, and of course me" he explained

"Sure" you smiled

"Ok see ya"

"BYE FELICA" You yelled

You hanged up the phone and got ready.


I smiled as I she ended the call.

"Someone has a crush" Nogla teased

I blushed " N-No" 

"Why ya stuttering then" he asked 

"N-None of your b-business" I stuttered

"Mhm" he hummed

I started blushing more thinking about (Name).

"It's obvious though that she and Lui are gonna be together" I sighed

Then I heard Nogla burst into laughter. I looked at him. Then he stopped. Noticing I wasn't joking.

"You might have a point" he sighed

"Well Lui is upstairs ready to record so hurry up." I said jogging up the stairs. 

Let's just say Nogla and Lui rented a big house. I got upstairs to see Lui is already in the skype call. So was (Name) I sighed and ran into my room and set it up. Soon I joined the call.

"SUP OWL BOY" she yelled making me jump.

Everyone laughed as I adjusted my headset.

"Every Time" I chuckled


We had one minute left and me and Wildcat where left. The map was full with buildings.There was a glitch so we where gonna win. We where in the wall in one of them. 

"Delerious don't go in that building" I laughed as he entered the glitched building. 

"If you can see me what am I holding" he asked as he held up a book.

"Knowledge" Wildcat chuckled

"How Do you know!?" He yelled

"Magic" I whispered into the microphone.


"Oh look at this view" I said.

"THERE ON THE TOP FLOOR!!" Lui shouted

Me and Wildcat laughed as they entered the elevator. We where really on the bottom floor. We walked out of the wall laughing.

We lied where in the bottom floor Lol. I typed in the chat

Everyone started cursing as there was only three seconds left. They came in and chased us as it turned to zero. 

"YES!!!!" You shouted

"WHERE WERE YOU!! They shouted 

"Magic" yet again you whispered into the microphone.

"Fuck You Bitch" Marcel raged

You guys played for a while more until you decided you played long enough.

"Well bye Bitches" you said leaving the game and call.

You smiled as you decided know you would edit the video you made with Mark and The crew and post the hide and seek tomorrow. Cause you where gonna meet a lot of fans tomorrow for fun. You tweeted where you would be on Twitter with many responses saying they where close or they wished they where there. Then Bear walked in and laid on your bed. You chuckled send started editing.

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