Seoreun Dul(Thirty Two)(Full)

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Omg I have a lot less votes on the last chapter then the rest. Please vote!~

Jungkook was just getting home from a doctor's appointment when he had opened the door to find no one home.

"Uh... Hello?" He called out but no response. Even all the lights were off except for the dining room's. Jungkook hesitantly walked into the dining room to find a card on the table.

He picked it up and it read: go to the library

Jungkook sighed and rubbed his temple as that was what he did. He went to the library.

The librarian smiled at Jungkook, "Here. A boy came in here earlier and gave this to me, telling me to hand it to you."

Jungkook nodded, "Thank you." And read it: Go to Hoseok's house

"Whoever is doing this, I'm going to kill." Jungkook mumbled to himself and went straight to Hoseok's house.

When Hoseok opened the door, Jungkook glared at him, "Are you playing this stupid prank?"

"Aniyo. I'm part of it but I'm not the one doing it. And I wouldn't call it a prank if I were you." Hoseok smiled.

"Then is it Taehyung?"

Hoseok shook his head, "All you need to know is, go to the park."

"Why the heck are you guys making me go back and forth?" Jungkook asked.

"It's the adventure." Hoseok said then shut his door.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and went to the park.

The park seemed abandoned except for a blanket laid out in the middle of the park with a candle on it and food laid out.

"Aigoo, I don't want to eat." Jungkook could smell the food and to him, it smelt exactly like Jin's cooking. The only food Jungkook enjoyed eating.

There was a card on one side of the blanket that read: Sit here my beloved Jungkook.

Jungkook sat on the blanket and waited. Nothing happened.

Suddenly, dusk came and pretty lights had turned on and music started to play, "Okay... What the fuck is going on?"

"Mister! Do not curse! Goodness, you ruined the whole surprise!" Jin came out from the shadows, more like the forest of the park.

"Hate to break it to you, but I kind of figured it was you." Jungkook smiled as Jin went over to hug him.

Once they stopped hugging, Jungkook glared at the older, "So why did you put me through all this?"

"So I could prepare mentally. Come on, let's eat."


The two boys spent their time together. Due to Jungkook still not wanted to eat much, the dinner had turned out that Jin had to feed the carrier of his baby the whole time.

Jungkook had expected Jin to propose that night but Jin never said a word about it and Jungkook was too embarrassed to mention it.

Jin walked Jungkook to his house, "Can we meet tomorrow? I'm here for two days." Jin offered.

"Why not? I'd love to." Jungkook nodded and smiled sadly since he didn't get what he had expected. "Or better, how about you come in. My parents texted me and said they won't be here until tomorrow."

Jin nodded, "Sure."

They walked into the house and Jin went into the dining room but Jungkook had no idea what was happening.

Jin can back, "I placed some dessert on the table if you want any."

Jungkook shook his head, "No thanks. You know I'm not a big eater."

Jin made a pouting face, "Pleaseee"

Out of being taken over by cuteness, Jungkook agreed and went into the dining room.

There stood nothing but a cake on a plate on the table with a card and ring on top of the small piece of cake.

Jungkook walked up to it and picked up the ring then read the card: Will you be mine forever? -Seokjin

Jungkook smiled and turned around to find Jin standing there smiling.

"Of course I will."

That was probably one of the best weekends ever for the couple.


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