Chapter 7

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Anna's pov

Sunday went by pretty quickly, all I did was read, draw and listen to music. It is now Monday the last day of school for the year and I was walking to school when all of a sudden Crybaby pulled up next to me and offered to take me the rest of the way to school, I accepted and before I knew it we were at school. We got there pretty early so the doors weren't open yet and nobody else was there so we decided to go sit on one of the benches that was under a tree. Crybaby put his arm around me and I was comfortable in his embrace. I look over to see him already staring at me, I look away and I sigh as I realize that he'll become an outcast to the whole town if we continue dating. Crybaby notices my distress "What's wrong?" He asks worry evident in his voice "It's just that if we continue you'll become an outcast just like me."
"Hey look at me." As soon as I turned my head he continued "I don't care what anyone else in this town thinks all I care about is you because I love you Anna." By the time he finished talking I was already in tears and I said "I love you to Crybaby." Then we kissed but this time it was more passionate, we stayed like that until we had to pull apart for air. We sat there until the buses started pulling in and the students started filling into the school, we were at our lockers I got out a notebook for the rest of the day and so did Crybaby. We were about to go to first period when Baldwin decided to show up
"Uh oh." I said "What's wrong?" "Baldwin." Crybaby turned around then Baldwin said
"Well well well what do we have here." I sighed then said "What do you want Baldwin?"
He laughed then pushed me to the ground Crybaby almost hit him but Baldwin noticed and dodged "Don't you dare hit her!" Baldwin stared at Crybaby for a moment then looked back at me and said "Got yourself a boyfriend?" He was only joking but when he saw me blush he realized just how true his words actually were, he smiled
"Hold him boys." Then Crybaby was pushed into the locker's, while I was distracted by this Baldwin wrenched me up by my hair and pushed me into the locker's. He was about to punch me when someone said "Hey what's going on here!" All of a sudden Baldwin got off of me and his goons let go of Crybaby. I look over to see Will one of the school's security guards in front of us "Baldwin to my office." Then Baldwin and his goons went to Will's office and Will turned to us "You two okay?" "Yeah were fine Will thanks."
"Anytime Anna, well here's a pass to class for you and your friend if you hurry you can still make it to first period." "Okay thanks again Will." "Your welcome." With that he left. Me and Crybaby picked up our notebooks and hurried to class.

8 hours later

By the end of the day me and Crybaby were known as a couple through out the whole school but it didn't matter because the final bell of the year rung signaling for the beginning of summer vacation. There wasn't much stuff in our locker's as we had turned in our books a while ago. Crybaby and I walked over to his bike he got on then I got on behind him and he dropped me off not to far from my house and gave me a kiss goodbye then he was off. I was walking toward my house when I saw my parents outside looking in my direction which surprised me. I hoped they didn't see Crybaby kiss me but when I reached my front lawn I knew that they did from the looks on their faces. My mother was the first to speak "Are you seeing that boy?" "Mom......" I started to say but I was interrupted "Answer me Annalise are you seeing that boy?" I sighed "Yes I am." My mother was about to hit me but my father stopped her and said "She is beyond our help now Elizabeth." My mother turned and faced my father "Fine do it." With that my mother went inside the house my father sighed and turned around "Well Annalise before I do this I want to tell you that I'm not your real father your real father's name is Elijah Collins and he's a criminal that's been locked away for life and his criminal name is The Monarch of Death. Now go get the rest of your things and then get out of my house." I stood there for a moment trying to process this information and shocked that it had come to this but I went in and got the rest of my stuff, which wasn't very much, and I left.
I walked towards Crybaby's and saw him in the garage polishing his bike. When I reached his driveway Crybaby looked up to see me walking towards him but halfway there I started crying, my legs buckled and I dropped to my knees. Crybaby ran over to me and held me in his arms as I cried, trying his best to calm me down "Shhhh I'm here I've got you. It's going be alright." After a while I stopped crying and his shirt was literally soaked "I'm sorry about your shirt." "It's fine Anna you don't have to apologize, now please tell me why your so upset." "Well I just found out that my real father is in prison and my so called parents lied to me about it and then they kicked me out of the house I'm hurt that they would do such a thing but I'm also relieved that they did because now I'm finally free." "I know how you feel my father was the alphabet bomber and as for your parents well it's there fault that they can't see what an amazing, beautiful, and wonderful person that you are." And I smiled because I knew he meant every word
"Is it okay if I stay with you for awhile?" "Yeah of course." "Thanks." "No problem."
I noticed that I was really tired from crying then I yawned Crybaby chuckled picked me up grabbing my backpack in the process and I fell asleep in his arms.

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