Chapter 8

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Anna's pov

When I woke up the clock beside me read 10:00 in the morning and when I started to look around I was in a room that wasn't mine, then I remembered the events of yesterday. After that realization I got up and dug in my backpack for something to wear, I pulled out some white jeans a black shirt, and a gray jacket. I put on my outfit and then brush my hair, I was about to go downstairs when I realized that I didn't have any shoes on so, I returned to my handy dandy backpack and pulled out some socks then I put on my red vans and then I walked downstairs. Since this house is a lot like my old one I had no trouble finding the kitchen, when I walked in I noticed a women with long dark brown hair wearing blue jeans, a black t-shirt and cowboy boots cooking breakfast. Eventually she turned her head in my direction then said "Well good morning sunshine, I was wondering when you were gonna get up." "Good morning...." "Where are my manners I'm Ramona Crybaby's grandmother and who might you be?" I smile then say
"I'm Annalise but please call me Anna, it's very nice to meet you." I then proceed to sit down at the table they had in the kitchen "So your the girl my grandson keeps going on about it's finally nice to meet you." Her statement takes me by surprise and makes me blush. "Crybaby talks about me?" "Yes very often, he's quite taken with you if I do say so myself." By this time Ramona has finished making breakfast and asks if I could go get Crybaby to let him know that breakfast is done, so I get up from the table to go find him, knowing Crybaby he's probably out in the garage, so I go to the garage and as I predicted there's Crybaby polishing his bike. I walk up to him but before I could say anything he turns around smiles then says "Hey beautiful." Which causes me to blush but this time I don't try to hide it, then he wraps his arms around my waist, I put my arms around his neck then he leans in, I closed my eyes just as his lips met mine and I kissed him back eventually we pulled apart for air then I remembered what I came down here for
"Crybaby." "Yeah." "Breakfast is done." Then we pulled apart and walked into the house hand in hand. By the time we reach the kitchen our plates were already sitting on the table, Ramona was putting her plate in the sink, so we sit down at the table then dig in just as Ramona left the kitchen "Are you gonna be okay Anna?" He was probably talking about what happened yesterday "Yeah I'll be fine thanks for asking." "I'll always be here if you need me." I smile knowing he means every word "Thank you." "Anytime Anna." When we finished eating I went into the living room and turn on the TV to the news then shortly after Crybaby joins me on the couch then asks "Why are you watching the news?" "I was never allowed to watch the news because my step dad thought it was too violent plus I like hearing about the stories." So we sit and watch the news for a while, I was about to turn it over when all of a sudden I hear 'In other news Elijah Collins, also known as The Monarch of Death, has escaped from prison.....' As soon as I heard that name I froze, Crybaby must've noticed because he said "Anna are you gonna be okay?" All of a sudden I remembered how Elijah ended up in prison in the first place "I remember." "Remember what?" "I remember how he ended up in prison." "How?" "When I was five he tried to kill me and my mother but I called the police just as he knocked my mother unconscious and before he could kill me the police barged in and stopped him. I can still remember the last words he ever said to me 'Anna I'm gonna get you for this' He went to jail because I called the police, now he's out there and he's coming for me." I took in a shaky breath and continued "Crybaby I'm scared." Crybaby brought me to his chest then said "Shhhh I'm here and I won't let anything happen to you." Trying his best to comfort me, after awhile I started to get tired and I soon feel asleep in Crybaby's arms.

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