Chapter 1- Erin

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My fingers grip the sides of the chair that I was tied to, my eyes squeezed shut, trying desperately to block out the grunts of Josh's pain as they beat him senseless. I could feel every one of those punches land. Every one of those kicks connect. The pain Josh was in was the pain I was in, not as much as he was as mine doesn't last. I feel the pain he first feels then it goes away, just like that but it carries on hurting for him.

The room was that dull concrete grey you have in multi storey car parks. There was a single bright white light in the middle of the ceiling, shining down on Josh, tied to a chair like I was only I was in the corner of the room. Around the top edges of the room was the balcony where members of Triple stood to watch and cheer.

Two big, burly men dressed in black stood facing Josh, each taking turns to slap him around. At every punch I flinch and gasped, taking the blow for myself.

"You know, Josh," one of the men, Steve, said, pulling off the wraps he wore around his knuckles then grabbing Josh by the hair, pulling his bruised, bloody face back. I bit my lip, trying not to cry out as I felt the tug on my own hair. "I don't know why you take these beatings when all you have to do is do as you're told or let the girl take it. You comply to us most of the time and yet there is always something that causes you to get shoved in here." The crowd taunted with their howls of laughter.

"You know...exactly...why..." Josh panted. I knew too. Josh always took the beatings. Even when it was my fault we were in here, he always made sure he took protect me. This time it was my fault we were in here. Triple sent us to kill this important government guy, I don't know his exact title, but Josh and I found him as ordered. But I couldn't kill him and I told Josh not to either. Instead, we took him back. He was in the dungeons right now. But Triple wasn't pleased and this is how they punish us. If I protested, they only hurt Josh more.

"Oh yes I do," Steve replied. He nodded to his friend, Greg, who smashed a deadly roundhouse kick into Josh's ribcage. We both cried out as I felt his ribs snap. My ribs were perfectly fine and the pain for me was gone as soon as it came but I knew Josh's were broken.

Steve raised his hand to silence the crowd. They did so, waiting in anticipation for what he was going to do next as Josh wheezed in the chair. Then he started clapping, a slow rhythmic clap. The crowd followed his lead and they got faster and faster. The build up to the finale.

Greg pulled a knife from his belt and passed it to Steve. "No!" I screamed, knowing that I would probably make things worse but I couldn't help it. "No please don't stab him!" That earned me a slap from Greg and a massive roar from the crowd. They had got faster now and were jeering. Greg held up his fingers signalling for a count down. "Three!" the crowd roared.

"No!" I cried.


"No please, I'm begging you!" Josh locked eyes with me. In my head I could hear what he was saying:

'Don't look.' But I couldn't tear my eyes from him.

"One!" Steve threw the knife and it thudded into Josh's shoulder. Pain exploded in my own as Josh groaned. Then it was gone for me, but not for Josh. The crowd were going mental. Steve went over and yanked the knife from his shoulder. Then the deafening sound stopped. I looked up and saw the Master, standing in the doorway. The crowd silenced immediately and all went on one knee in a show of respect. Steve and Greg stood back, their heads bowed to the leader of Triple. No one knew his real name or how he got the three long, white scars that ran parallel to each other from his ear to his nose. He was a thin, tall man with greying hair but he radiated authority. If fear was a person, the Master was it.

"Given up yet, Josh?" he asked cruelly. His fingers brushed a purpling bruise on his cheek before he smashed a punch low into Josh's stomach. The crowd went through the roof as Josh gagged and struggled to breath. I could feel the pain he was in and it hurt so bad.

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