Chapter 13- Erin

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Josh's voice was echoing through my head. He sounded so desperate and in pain. I needed to get to him. Let me get to him.

I struggled against the blackness to reach him, swimming as hard as I could but his voice got further and further away.

My arms and legs felt like lead not to mention the ever increasing pain in my stomach. What do I do? Josh isn't here to help me. I'm on my own now.

"Come on we need to get out of here!" A voice cried out in the darkness. I wanted to scream that I was trying but then another voice started up.

"There are too many of them, sir," it said. "They have us surrounded with far more superior weapons."
They weren't talking to me, I realised. These were people on the outside.

"This way, sir," the second voice said. "I see a way through."

Arms lifted me up gently. I felt the thumps from below as someone's footsteps pounded the ground, their breathing ragged.

"I should have known they would target them," the first voice muttered. "I should have known." I heard someone scream in pain and a thud as they fell.

"Charlie!" A new voice yelled. "This way!"

"What are you doing here?! I told you to leave!"

"Your welcome, boss. Nice to see you too."

Again I fought against the darkness. I had to get up. I had to find Josh and protect him. They were targeting us.

Open your eyes, Erin.





Finally they flew open but they squeezed shut straight after that. The pain was too much. I was in Charlie's arms who was running as fast as he could after...Harry! It was Harry leading Charlie and I away from the battle.

"Ahhh!" I cried out as Charlie jumped over a block of concrete.

"Erin?" he shouted. "Oh god I thought you were dead."

"I won't be alive for much longer," I groaned. Charlie set me down by a wall then crouched down next to me, trying to put pressure on my wound. Blood was gushing out of me like a waterfall, soaking my clothes and making Charlie's mum's necklace slick with blood.

"Where's your super assassin partner?" Harry asked, not looking at me directly. He was carrying a machine gun in his arms, pointing it towards the way we had just come from. The sounds of gunfire and the battle were far in the distance now but I knew we weren't safe. I had to find Josh and get Charlie and Harry out of here. Josh was probably behind us, covering our tracks.

"Harry," Charlie said, his voice showing every ounce of warning. I tried to move but pain shot through me again. Stupid bullet. Real inconvenience.

"Charlie," I said. "Where is Josh?" Charlie bowed his head. Harry started cursing.

"I'm sorry, Erin," Charlie whispered. "Triple got him. They used you to get to him. I managed to get you out before they grabbed you because Josh told me to."

"We've got to go back, we've got to save him," I said, breathing heavily and almost hysterical.

"Erin, Erin, listen to me," Charlie said, putting his hands on my shoulders. "He's gone, alright? They've taken him."

"He can't be gone... He's never gone..." I whispered. "No..."

I screamed aloud, whether because of the pain I was in from the bullet wound or because of losing Josh, I don't know. Though it was most likely the latter. I didn't care if Triple's soldiers heard me.

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