Chapter 7- Erin

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"Run!" I shouted, pulling Josh along as gun fire exploded behind us. Hank must have woken up as we went down the stairs. Damn it!

It was still dark outside but I could just see a dozen men behind us, trying to catch us up. "Josh, what are we going to do?" I screamed at him. He always knew what to do. Always.

We ducked as another few shots sailed over our heads. "One of them bullets is going to hit us if we don't find cover," Josh yelled. We made it to the generator where Hank found us earlier. Josh yanked me behind it and unslung his M16 from his shoulder, shooting the men coming at us. I pulled out my two pistols and started shooting too.

"We can't stay here, Josh!" I shouted at him as I shot a guy in the arm.

"I know!" he shouted back. "But we're pinned down and I don't think we have the strength to throw something telekinetically at them!"

"Well then, we're stuck!" I yelled. Suddenly, there was a roar of an engine and a car came out of nowhere, swerving next to the old generator that we were hunkered down behind.

"Get in!" Harry screamed at us. I looked at Josh who seemed just as shocked and confused as I was. "Come on, we don't have all night! I don't want to get shot!" Harry shouted again.  Josh shook his head and mumbled something.

"Get in," he told me. "I'll cover you." I nodded and crawled my way over to the car, shooting from the ground at arms and legs. Harry had opened the door to the back seats. I scrambled into the car just as Josh cried out. Time froze as I felt a bullet burn my arm where it. I looked back to see Josh running towards us with a man behind him. Josh's arm was bleeding where a bullet just caught him.

I suddenly felt angry. Really angry. No one hurt Josh and got away with it, whether they paid now or later. I lifted up my gun, aimed over Josh's shoulder and fired. The man chasing Josh flew backwards and crashed into the ground. When he landed, I saw he had a bullet in his heart and that he was very, very dead.

Josh barrelled into me, shoving me over to the next seat. "Drive!" Josh screamed at Harry who was more than happy to oblige. He revved the engine and stamped on the pedal. We skidded round the generator while the rest of Hank's men either dove out the way or shot at the car. Josh pressed me down on the seat, using his body to shield me from the spray of bullets that clattered into the car.

"Hold on!" Harry yelled as we jolted forward, swerving out of Hank's compound and onto the road. Once we were out of sight from Hank's men did Josh finally relax.

"Woah!" Harry shouted excitedly, slapping the steering wheel. "Did you see them driving skills right there, mate?! That was awesome! Do you guys do this all the time? That was so cool! I mean, not to brag or anything, but I just saved your lives. Does that mean I'm a super cool gangster now? Am I-"

"Harry, shut up!" Josh yelled. He then turned to me and spoke more gently. "Erin...?" I didn't answer; just sat there, staring at my hands and shaking. "Come on Erin, talk to me! Are you hurt?" I shook my head.

"I killed him, Josh," I whispered. "I killed that man chasing you."

"He would have killed me, Erin," Josh said softly. "Or seriously hurt me. You saved me."

"But he could of had a family," I cried. "He was only doing his job, so he could survive that wretched place an- and..." Josh pulled me into a hug and stroked my hair.

"It's alright," he said. "It's ok. I've got you."

"I can't do this, Josh," I whispered. "I can't kill Charles Hunt."

"Wait, you want to kill Charles Hunt?" Harry interrupted.

"It's really none of your business," Josh said harshly. "Look, thanks for pulling us out back there but we really should be going."

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