Chapter Two- Letters from Hogwarts

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"So come on let it go, just let it be"- Let it go | James Bay


"Dumbledore called" Molly Weasley said as she sat down on one of the chairs in the living room, joining the rest of her family- excluding Bella.

"Oh really?" Molly's husband Arthur asked as he looked up from his copy of the the daily prophet. "What for?"

A distressed look appeared on Molly's face. "He said its time to tell Bella"

"Tell Bella what?" Fred inquired, sitting on the edge of the couch.

"To tell bella she's adopted" Bill muttered with a frown apron his face.

"We can't do that to her" George stated "It's not fair"

"Yeah, can we not wait a little longer?" Ron asked

"No" Molly shook her head. "We have to do it soon. Dumbledore's orders"

"What that wrinkly old toad doesn't know, won't hurt him" Fred mumbled, a scowl on his face.

"I know Fred, I don't want to tell her either" Molly agreed "but she's going to find out anyway when she receives her hogwarts letter tomorrow"

"But what if she doesn't want to live with us anymore, what if she wants to live with who ever her actual family are" Ginny said quietly, her voice shaking.

"Well then it's her decision. Dumbledore said she can choose to stay or go" Arthur replied in a much firmer tone.

"Who are her real parents anyway?" Bill asked curiosity lacing his voice.

"We don't know" Molly replied. "But Dumbledore is sending a letter explaining everything"

Bill nodded and gazed out the window, his attention being drawn to the auburn haired girl reading underneath the big oak tree out in the garden. Bill sighed, this wasn't going to be easy.


"Hey Percy, can you pass me the milk please?" Bella asked as she finished pouring cereal in her bowl.

"Thanks" she smiled as Percy passed the jug over to her.

Percy tried to smile in return, but it ended up as more of a grimace.

"Amm... Okay...." Bella said cautiously as she poured some milk into her bowl.

They ate in complete silence. The only sound being the occasional clink of a glass, or the screeching of cutlery on a plate.

"Okay, what's going on?" Bella demanded, causing them all to jump as it was completely silent before her outburst.

"What do you mean?" Charlie asked.

"You're all so tense!" She rolled her eyes "you could cut the air with a knife!"

Ron laughed slightly, but as no one else joined in with him, he quickly silenced himself.

"What's wrong with you all? You're acting so strange" Bella  muttered, taking a sip of orange juice from her glass.

Suddenly there was a tapping at the window, capturing her attention.

"Look it's an owl!" She cried as she jumped off her chair to open the window, but stopped as bill grabbed onto her hand.

"What?" Bella asked in confusion

"Bella" Molly sighed "we need to talk"

"What about?" Bella asked sitting back down on her chair.

No one replied.

"What's wrong?" Bella said, worry etched upon her face.

"I thought we'd have more time to talk....dumbledore didn't say he's send them this early in morning..." Arthur mumbled to himself.

The owl impatiently tapped on the window again. Bella rose from her chair and opened the window.

The owl swooped over their heads and drops the their letters, before soaring out again.

Bella squealed excitedly and opened her letter.

Everyone was completely silent, their gazes fixed upon Bella.

Her smile turned into a frown and then to everyone's confusion she laughed.

"What's funny?" Charlie asked Bella cautiously.

Bella gave another giggle, before replying to her older brothers question.

"Oh, it's just on my letter, they got my name mixed up. It says Isabella Black instead of Weasley!"


Tell me what you think so far!

Love you guys.


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