Chapter One- Isabella Weasley

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"When she was just a girl, she excepted the world" -Paradise | Coldplay


"CHARLIE WEASLEY! PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW!" Screamed an auburn haired girl, by the name of Isabella, pounding on her brother's back as he ran around the kitchen.

"Never!" He replied, laughing.

"Help me!" The girl cried, as she out-stretched her arms towards her oldest brother, Bill, begging for his help. "Sorry, but this is just too cute" he cooed, pinching her cheeks as Bella scowled and swatted his hand away

"Some brother you are" She gave up and let her arms hang down.

Charlie chuckled and ran all the way outside, stopping once he reached the small lake just outside their house.

"You wouldn't dare" She spat venomously at her brother. 

But to her horror, her brother only laughed and dropped her slightly, causing the poor girl to scream out in fear.

But suddenly, Charlie shouted as he was hit on the back of the head with a water ballon. The ballon had burst, saturating Charlie's shirt. The water trickled down his back and seeped into Bella's skin, causing the girl to shiver and goosebumps to crawl up her arms. Bella could hear two people howling with laughter.

Charlie spun around, nearly dropping his sister in the process.

The two people that had been laughing were their brothers, Fred and George Weasley. They finally composed themselves after a few moments of continuous laughter and Bella could see that they were holding balloons filled to the brim with water. Fred handed his brother the balloons that had been grasped tightly in his hand and stretched out his arms. "Leave Bella down, Charles, or we won't hesitate to fire again"

Charlie's eyes widened, and he gently placed his little sister back on her feet. She quickly ran over to Fred, who picked her up and wrapped his arms around her.

"Good decision" George said curtly to Charlie, and turned to wink at his sister. She grinned back at him, and he ruffled her hair lightly.

The young girl had a special relationship with the infamous twins. Being often rebellious and troublesome, they had a lot in common. Bella loved helping her brothers with the different pranks and tricks, often taking the blame as her mother seemed to be softer on her.

"Lunch is on the table!" Came a loud booming voice that could only have been Bella's mother, Molly Weasley, as she stood at the front door.

"Coming!" Charlie replied, rather aggressively in Bella's opinion, sending his brothers one last glare, before storming off, back to the house. Bella turned around and hugged her two brothers.

"Thanks guys" she smiled gratefully as Fred motioned for her to climb on his back. "No problem" he replied "we've always got your back"

"And besides" George added while grinning up at her "We've been wanting to do that since he came back from Romania. Now all we have to do is sneak that stick bomb into Percy's study before we go back to school in a few weeks"

"Be careful" Bella warned them "if mum sees you doing that to Perfect Percy there'll be murder"

"You mean Perfect Prefect Percy" George sneered.

"We don't know that yet, maybe he won't get it" Bella stated.

"you mean hopefully he won't get it" George laughed as they made their way back to the house.

As soon as Bella stepped foot in the kitchen, a delicious smell suffused the air. Bella smiled. She loved her mothers cooking.

"Hey mum" Bella greeted as she went to help her mother dish out the lunch.

"Hello Bella, dear. What were you doing outside?" Molly replied with a soft smile at her daughter.

Bella stifled a laugh as they all say down to eat. "Nothing too exciting to be honest"

The twins sniggered as Charlie glowered at them.

Bella's twin brother Ron frowned as he sat down on the chair opposite George. "Why are they laughing? Why is it they always have inside jokes?"

"Aww don't be jealous Ronniekins" Bella cooed.

Ron scowled but dug into his dinner.

The gentle din of the clinking of glasses and scraping of plates filled the air as they all broke off into different conversations. Bella looked at her family with a small smile on her lips and sighed in complete contentment.


Hope you liked the story so far. It's not a great, but don't worry this is only the first chapter. It will get better I promise.


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