Unicorns are real, duh

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"Are you sure you can handle everything ?" Mom asks for the tenth time as she places all of the final boxes by my bed.
After what felt like years of us lugging them up the stairwell we had finally placed every box in my new home.Well I say home, at the moment it looked the plain, washed out "before" that you would see on all those home decorating tv shows.But there was still hope of turning it into something at least slightly attractive.
"Mom I'll be fine"I giggle , finding her bundle of anxiousness extremely amusing to watch .
"Oh well good luck Pops I'm going to miss you so much " my mum says , her eyes filling with tears as she wraps me in her tight embrace, holding me so tight I'm pretty sure my oxygen supply was cut off for the duration of it.

We both knew what that hug meant.And why it was so important, not just to her.But for the both of us.My mom was letting go, this was her way of saying goodbye and that this was her job done.Well of course her job as a mom is never done , but for the most part it was.She had gotten me through to University , and done a damn good job of it too.
"I'm going to miss you too mom ".
A salty tear races down her flushed cheeks and she quickly wipes it away with the back of her palm , glowing with pride as she stares into my glossy eyes.

I always wanted to make mom proud , especially when dad left I know how hard it was for her raising me alone , so I want nothing more then to inspire her as much as she inspires me.

We say the rest of our goodbyes, she hugs me thousands of times and then leaves ,a tear still dripping down her cheek as she goes.
And then she slams the door.
I'm alone.
This is it.
You know when you're a kid and you imagine yourself all grown up with kids and living in a huge house with a bunch of pets,but somehow you always skip the part of how you got there.
Well I'm living that part right now.

I stare all around me at the bare walls and empty cabinets.
I always loved the idea of having a fresh new space to decorate and make my own , like a blank canvas to paint with vibrant shimmering colours.However, now that time has finally come it seems slightly intimidating and overwhelming.

The apartment is set out in a dis functional weird shape. As soon as you walk in you are immediately placed in the kitchen and living room area , with the bathroom down a short Hall on the right,whilst my bedroom is down another hall on the left and the other bedroom is right beside mine.
As I wander around the apartment I wonder how I might possibly decorate it , maybe I could buy some cute paintings with famous quotes on them or something like that or perhaps buy some comfy rugs to lay on the floor.Even though my course was only one year long it felt as though this was my set up for life.

I quickly loose interest in the decorating idea , due to my extremely short attention span,and collapse onto the soft cream couch ,placed beside the huge shimmering windows overlooking the park and lake and wrap my dressing gown around me and start reading The Fault In Our Stars for the one hundred an sixth time.

Suddenly there's a ferocious bang as the door slams forcefully  behind me . My head quickly spins around to see who it is , I could have sworn it spun 360 degrees.
Standing in the doorway is a tall,attractive,boy who looked a bit older than me. His dirty blonde hair which appeared darker at the roots was slicked back , without any product,a plain white t shirt covering his chest, and a pair of black jeans.His black and white sneakers squeaking on the wooden floor.And guess what was on his back ladies and gentleman.
A black leather jacket.
"Hi?"he says dumping his bag on the floor , raising an eyebrow noticing my presence not even attempting to hide his eyes wandering over me.I suddenly felt exposed almost intimated as he scanned every square inch of my body.
"Um hello"I reply trying not to stutter.See that's what happens when you're an awkward weirdo like me.In tense situations my throat goes dry and I start stuttering.
I thought I would be sharing with a girl?
"I think there's been some kind of mistake, you see  this is my room"he says looking at me like I'm stupid, tilting his head to the right .
"Nope I think you will find it's my room "I say in protest finally conjuring up some confidence.
This is not how I expected my first meeting with my roommate to go.
"Great a mix up "he groans  sitting on the arm chair bowing his head.
At least he's a hot mix up , I thought to myself .
"Who are you?"I ask , curious to know about my mysterious intruder.
"I'm Nick" he replies sitting up .As he leans back his muscular frame is clearly visible through his shirt.I'm staring.Drooling is probably a more accurate description.
"What about you?"
"Oh um ," I stutter, I was distracted by the muscles "I'm Emma".
"Might want to wipe the drool off your chin there Emma" he chuckles to himself licking his lips.
That catches me off guard.
We just sit their in silence for a minute, the tension so thick in the air I feel like I'm suffocating, before  I try to start conversation.
"How old are you?"
"19" he answers still not tearing his gaze away from me.
"Cool I'm 18".
"Ah you're just a kid then"he raises his eyebrows as he sways his shoulders side to side.
Very attractive I must say.
"I turn 19 in two weeks" I fire back, like the most immature eighteen year old I could possibly be at this moment.
Silence falls over the room.
The tension is killing me but what can I do.
"Well I'll show you your room"I say sitting up.
"I could have found myself"he raises an eyebrow but still follows me.
Great , a grade A dick.
"So here it is".
"If I'm going to want a least a chance at getting laid this place needs some decorating"he says looking around before his laying his eyes on me and winking sending a shiver down my spine .
I thought he was joking, but clearly I was wrong.
"Maybe you'll volunteer to be the first?" He questions smirking.
"Think I'll pass on that one".
"Yeah probably to loud for you, not your scene"he agrees.
How does he know what my "scene" is?
"Yeah I'm going to be studying a lot so try to keep it down"I say avoiding eye contact.
"You know you can look at my eyes I won't turn you to stone" he laughs, I just stare at my feet.

"But I have a party tonight down at the park so I won't be back till about 1:00 am ish".
"We have classes tomorrow "I mention,in case he isn't aware.
" I know" .
"What are you studying ?"I question as I sit on his bed staring around his bedroom .
His room was identical to mine apart from the colours of the walls.Whilst mine were painted white his were painted a light grey.
"Athletics , scholarship for Varsity football "he answers with a cheeky smile whilst unpacking his belongings from his back pack .
I don't know why but this throws me off guard slightly.
"Oh I'm majoring in art" I inform him.
I pace to the entrance of his room before he interrupts my action.
"Talk later".
I acknowledge this information with a simple nod.

I just stand their awkwardly in the door way of his room while he continues unpacking.
"Well I'm going to start organising "I say before scurrying into my room and shutting the door.
Okay, so my roommate is drop dead gorgeous but he is a bit cocky as well. By the sounds of it my apartment will basically turn into the new playboy mansion , girls sign up while you can.Oh crap he's knocking on my door.

I slowly open the door , a crack , so that the mess on the bed isn't visible.
"You dropped something in the living room" he says as he displays my Unicorn bra in his right hand.
My cheeks are flushed  with a vibrant red of embarrassment.
"Um thank you "I stutter trying to avoid eye contact.
"Well are you going to take it or are you gifting it to me or something?"
"Oh yeah course thanks" I whip it out of his hands as he continuous to grin like a little kid.
"You know Unicorn bras , kinda childish don't you think?"he questions.
My blood begins to boil underneath my skin.
"Asking your roommate about her bra , kinda Pervy don't you think?"I respond triumphantly.
One point to Emma.
"Nope I've just seen enough bras to know that unicorn patterned ones aren't going to get you laid"he smirks placing his hands in his jean pockets.
And minus two points to Emma.
"I have to unpack" and I slam the door in his face , in my world I won the argument as I got her final word.
I dropped my UNICORN BRA in the living room,what if his friends had seen it, or if he hadn't given it back to me and instead kept it.
Well shitballs.
I hear Loud booming music coming from his room, it sounded  like rock music.
I plug in my headphones to block out the horrific noise, and listen to One Direction
She's not afraid.

She's not afraid of scary movies
She likes the way we kiss in the dark
But she's so afraid of f f falling in
Love , love

As soon as the songs over the rock music starts pouring into my ears.
"Thats it " I tell myself impatiently and I rush out of my room and bang on his bedroom door in rage.
"What?" Nick yells in response over the screaming music.
"Please turn that down a bit!"
"I can't hear you"he says laughing.
I give up and run into his bedroom and unplug the speakers.
"Phew that's better " I sigh as I walk out , avoiding the piles of clothes on the floor .
"HEY !"he yells as I leave,but I just block out his voice.

This is going to be one heck of a long year.

My Bad Boy Roommate #TheABBAs2k18 #ProjectBadBoys  #wattys2017  {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now