Trip away together

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"Finally no more work for weeks ,I love vacations"Nick says as we leave our classrooms.
"It's just a 4 week break , not exactly summer is it?"I tell him as I open my locker.
"Your always so negative "Nick says sarcastically as he holds my hand and kisses it .
"Well sorry,"I laugh"one of my faults".
I sigh and look over at him , he winks at me and smirks.

As we walk across campus together I remember the first time I ever met Nick,back then he just seemed like a hot bad boy but he actually is so much more.

Suddenly my phone buzzes in my pocket,I pull it out and stare at the bright screen.Its a text from Amber ,Nicks sister.
I reply quickly,

I turn my phone off just as we enter the appartment block.

Once we arrive back at the apartment we decide to do some quick studying together.
"I have to write a script and come up with a story about young love "I sigh as I grab my notebook from my bag.
"Just write about us then "Nick says smiling at me.
"Em?"Nick says placing his hand on mine and placing the sheet down.
"Do you like vacations ?"he asks.
"Duh yeah ,why?"
"Because I have an amazing surprise for you ".
"Please tell me ,I hate having surprises "I groan.
"Why?"he questions.
"Only because it will annoy me all day unless you tell me ".
"Anyway your going to love it ,"Nick laughs "I have booked us  a trip away together".
"Oh my god where?!"I yell excitedly.
"It's a surprise you'll have to wait until we go there"Nick says leaning back onto his chair.
"Oh but when are we flying ?"I ask impatiently .
"Tomorrow so pack your bag"he says jumping up from the table.
"Tomorrow?!"I say in disbelief.
"Yep so let's get packing".
Nick grabs my arm and he pulls me to my bedroom.
"Don't you need to pack?"I ask as I rush into my bedroom.
"Already done last night"he says as he leans in the doorway,his hands sliding into his jean pockets.
"Your so organised aren't you ".
Nick nods as I throw my suitcase onto the bed.
"Careful your going to knock me out"Nick says sarcastically.
"Well move then!"I shout laughing.
"Okay do you want a clue where we are going "Nick says with a sigh.
"Yes "I say without even thinking.
"Fine,"Nick walks in"You have always wanted to visit".

My alarm wakes me up at 4:45am and Nick knocks on the door.
"Come in"I groan.
"What's up,lets get going "Nick says picking up my suitcase.
"Where?"I ask sitting up.
"You'll just have to wait and see "Nick kisses me on my forehead and leaves the room.
I sigh and flop back onto my bed.
"Come on better get dressed"I tell myself and slowly tip toe out of bed.
Thankfully I had already hung my outfit up on my wardrobe door.
My white T shirt that says Hipster on it ,my black leggings with the words Travel to your hear written on them,and silver sparkly converse.

As I get dressed I start wondering where Nick might be taking me .What if it's horrible,but I hate hurting people's feelings so I just pretend that it's wonderful and amazing.But I'm terrible at lying everyone can I always tell when I'm lying because my voice goes extremely high pitched .

"Ready,"Nick says leaning through the door"the cabs outside ".
"Yes let me just brush my hair "I tell him.
I decide to not wear makeup,I never wear any when I'm travelling.Its just so awkward especially if mascara starts running .
"Ready"I say as I drag my white suitcase out my bedroom door .My suitcase is covered in pastel coloured polka dots and pictures and stickers of famous landmarks like the Eiffel Tower.Nicks however is black with Cole 65 printed on it in white writing.
"Nice suitcase"Nick says as he grabs it and pulls it along the floor for me .
"Yours is pretty good too"I say sarcastically and smile .
Nick passes the cases to the cab driver at the door.
"I'll just take these downstairs for you ,I'll be waiting in the parking lot outside"he mumbles.
"Great thanks we will be down in a second "Nick pats the guys shoulder and shuts the door.
"You ready princess?"he asks holding my hand.
"Princess?"I ask laughing .
"Yeah because I'm Prince Charming "he says sarcastically and takes a bow.
"Yeah totally"I say raising my eyebrows.
"Excuse me!"
Nick runs up to me and grabs me and lifts me off the ground .He holds me like a baby my legs dangling over his arms.
"Now let's go see the world "....

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