Love To My Cobain <3

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Hey guys welcome to the next chapter. Hoped you guys liked my fluffy ending with Andley. Enjoy the next chapter peoples!! A/N: I DONT OWN ANYSONG LYRICS OR SONG TITLES OR ANY FAMOUS PEOPLE IN HERE AT ALL!!

As the doctor came in to tell Ashley he could leave, Andy was woken up to the sound of Ashley ruffling his clothes. "So, you ready to go Ash?" "Yeah, c'mon let's go Andy." The two boys walked out of the hospital to Ash's place. Meanwhile at Ashley's house, Jeffree, Dahvie, and Jayy were already there getting Ashley's surprize welcome home party ready. Andy and them had already planned everything out. Everyonce in a while he would check his phone to see if got any texts from the guys about the party. "Hey Dahvs you got the music set up right?", Jeffree asked to him across the room bringing a bag of plastic cups, plates, and silvier ware in. "Yeah Jeffree i got it, I hve my ipod hooked up to the speakers, and i have my party mix playlist set on it. You got the drinks and supplies right Jeff?" "Yup all right here." He showed the bags to Dahvie. "Yo Jayy and you got the rst of the food right?" "Yup. And I think thats every thing." The 2 others nodded. "OK boys lets get this all set up", Jeffree said putting Dahvie and Jayy to work. In no time the 3 teens got Ashley's house decoated and ready for the surprize party. "Wow, looks great guys leme text Batman to tell him we got everything ready." "Kk Dahvs", said Jayy as he and Jeffree finished hanging a banner that said 'WELCOME HOME OUTLAW ASHLEY!!!'.

D: Hey Batman we got the party set up and everything, bro.

A: Cool. Thanks Dahvie. Me and Ash are turning on his street now too.

D: Cool. see ya ina few.

A: See ya.

"Oh here we are Ashley." Ashley nodded at Andy and started to open the door. "FAAAAHH, GUYS HIDE!", Jayy whisper yelled. The 3 all darted behind the couch. "AAh crap its so dark in here. Leme turn on a light." Ashley said as he and Andy walked in. Suddenly Ashley was taken back a bit and fell slightly backwards in Andy's arms as the 3 others jumped out and yelled "WELCOME HOME OUTLAW!" Ashley got up and they laughed. "haha.. WOW! The place looks amazing guys! Thanks!" They all came in for a group brofist. "Also I think me and Andy should surprize you guys next!" Ashley said excitedly. Andy had a small look of confusion. "huh?" Ashley, so excited almost screamed it "ME AND ANDY ARE DATING!!" He yelled, super excited. Andy blushed and nodded. "OMG! I'm so happy for you hun.", said Jeffree as the teenage beautykiller came over and hugged his best friends. "Thanks." they both said. "C'mon guys.. LET PARTY!!!", shouted Dahvie. He turned on the music and their little party had begun. The night went on as they partyed. The last song they played was a song Jeffree wrote called Love To My Cobain. "I want, a love, so good. So good that it will make me sick, to touch. But I need it. You are the love to my Cobain, blood to my blade, and you're no good for my baby no good. You are the pin in my gernade, can't pull you away, and you're no good for me baby no good. Give me kisses again." After the song had ended Ashley said good bye to his friends as the 4 others walked home. Since Jeffree lived 2 houses down from were Dahvie and Jayy lived Jayy decied to walk Jeffree home. "JAYY WER U GOING, BRO?", yelled Dahvie from their porch. "I'LL BE BACK!! I'MA WALK JEFFREE HOME!" Dahvie nodded and headed inside."Hey Jeffree", Jayy said as he caught up to him. "I really liked the song you wrote." Jeffree blushed a bit. "T-thanks Jayy, I wrote it about my crush." He tilted his head. "Dude, can i ask who?" Jeffree looked down as they were walking and blushed more. "Simon Curtis..." His eyes widened. "Woah Really, Jeffree? Thats soo sweet." "H-heh. Thanks Jayy. You know. I really have been wanting to ask Simon out for a while now but.. I don't know if he'd be into me." "awww cmon, Star. Don't say that, i'm sure Simon likes you." "Thanks, anyways i gotta run Jayy. I have to feed Diva and Dimond." Jeffree walked up the light pink drive way as the barking got louder. "Alright see ya dude." With that as Jayy went to his house, Jeffree sighed and took of his shoes and changed into his purple PJ bottoms and blue Hello Kitty T-shirt. He layed back on his pink sequened blanket covered bed and started at his cottoncandy colored ceiling. He closed his eyes, his thoughts drifting from the party to what would happen if he asked out Simon. Soon, Jeffree fell asleep.

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