Truth or Dare

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Truth or Dare

Chapter one :

Dimitri's Point Of view :

The music was banging in my ears, but the party was starting to settle down a bit. We where all waisted, and figured we would play truth or dare. To be honest I don't really have anything to hide, and about everyone knows about my sex life, or at least they think they do. So I always answer the same, if I don't choose "dare" of course.

I am the schools biggest player, and I enjoy it. I can get every girl I want to sleep with me, and I have slept with all the hot, slutty girls at school. The head cheerleader is the most popular girl in school, and also my ex, but she hasn't let me go yet. She is the most annoying girl ever, but she is a good fuck, and that is what counts. Her name is Rachel, but everyone calls her Rach.

It was almost the same questions over and over;

"Who is the hottest boy/girl at school ?"

"How many have you fucked ?"

"Who do you want to fuck now ?"

"When was your first time ?"


It was starting to get really boring.

"Rach, who is the hottest guy you have slept with ?" Asked Jennifer, Rach's best friend.

"Dimitri of course !" She said really excited.. I couldn't help but smirk at that, thats what almost every girl said.

"It's your turn to ask Rach." Matt said, he is one of the best football players on our school, but me of course is the best.

"Uh.. yeah right ! Dimitri, truth or dare ?" Ugh..

"Dare." I answered, getting really tired of the same questions over and over if I took truth.

"Okay.." She said with an evil look on her face..Oh-Uh.. This really can't be good, she only has that look when she is going to be really mean to someone. God, please help me ! I begged sarcastically in my head.

"You have to get the library girl to fall for you, sleep with her, and then crush her heart !" She said with an evil smile on her face. Everyone laughed including me. None of us ever talked to the library girl, except for when we said something mean to her, witch we do every day. So this was actually going to be a bit fun. Nasty, but fun. I have never done a nerd before. She is a top student, and is always quite, and don't like any type of violence at all. She hasn't really done anything to us, it just turned out to be our job to pick on her all the time. She always sits on her on by lunch, and never talk to anyone. Yeah, this was going to be fun.

Emily's point of view :

It's Saturday evening, and guess what ? I'm sitting in my room on my own reading. No shock there. I'm the school's nerd, or so they think. They don't know anything about me, and if they did I don't think they would be so mean.

When I was around 8 years old, I came home from school and my mother was at work. My father was home waiting for me. When I came inside the house he had a knife in his hand, he told me to put my backpack down, and not scream, and if I screamed he would kill me. He walked closer, and then he started taking my clothes of. Of course I didn't scream, I didn't want to die. And then he raped me. When I was 12 years old he put me on the pill, so he didn't have to use condoms anymore. He raped me from I was 8 and until I was 14. Then my mother walked in on him raping me, and called the police. He was arrested, and put to jail. But I'll always remember the last thing he told me ;

" Emily, you should know that I'll come back for you, and you can't hide, I'll find you anywhere you go." And with that he was gone.

After that day me and my mother have lived in fear that he will come back for me. My mother's name is Clara, and she is an alcoholic. I know, I know.. my life is wonderful (Mark the sarcasm). I'm mostly home alone as my mother is always out at a bar, and meet new guys every day, and sleep at their place. She blames me for everything that has happened, and almost can't stand the sight of me, thats why she is never home.

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