13. Ressurected

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Jai's POV

"Hey guys, Abby's in danger we need to go to The Wingsman Hotel tonight." I send to all the others in a group chat.

We all meet up at Callie's because Jaxon is driving us since he's 17.

"Guys why are we here? No one knows Jaxon is alive." Sam says waking up to the porch.

"Because he knows where the place is and I know." Callie replies as the car pulls up.

I see Ava the new girl walking up.

"Hey Ava!" I shout.

"Hey, why you going out so late on a Wednesday?" She asks

"Just cause we're going out to eat. Well I gotta go see ya!" I answer waltzing into the car and closing the door as we drive away.

Black Cloak POV

Walking into the hotel I get a room and decide to wait for the others to arrive.

"Run Abby run, I'm close. One wrong turn and you're dead." - Black Cloak

I send to Abby and she's only three floors above me.

Jai's POV

We arrive at the hotel and jump out of the car. Callie tells Jaxon to wait in the car and we won't be long. We race into the hotel. We ask where her room is and then a guy our age walks up.

"Hey my names Xavier. I'm with Abby, follow me." He says as he leads us to the elevator.

We enter her room seeing her sitting on the couch. I think how are we supposed to act? Hug her, say hi? What? It's not like we're best friends with her.

"Hi Abby." Sam breaks the silence walking in.

"Hey guys I need to tell you everything right now before Black Cloak gets here." Abby says as we all sit on the white couch in the big room.

"I'll be back later. See ya!" Xavier says shutting the door.

"Okay I'll start with a few months before I was kidnapped and "killed." She says

Abby explains she had gotten threats from some unknown person like Sam and I had. She had said that night she had been kept hostage for twenty four hours and doesn't know why and then she had been set free to escape then chased by the same person.

"Then how are you alive if you got shot?!" Adam asks confused.

"They missed me but I pretended to die once they shot me and they drove away not checking if I was alive. I had fake blood I put everywhere and made it look like I had gotten shot." Abby tells us remembering that night.

"Then how were you buried?" Asks Callie

"Okay so I found these pills that put you in a sleeping state I took one. I woke up after being put into the coffin I screamed during the funeral. Ava was there Ava Nowlan. She helped me escape and introduced me to Xavier and said he'd help." She answers

"Well how did they think you were dead if you were just asleep?" Ian asks

"And how did you know Ava?" Storm adds

"Also why was she there?" I ask

Abby explains that she'd known Ava and she came to the funeral and Ava introduced Xavier. After that Xavier had got the hotel room for her to hide out since his dad owned it. She then tells us when you're in that sleeping state you barley breath so they thought she was dead.

"Why are you telling us and not your friends?" I ask

"Because there aren't even my friends, but you guys were solving what's happening and I knew I could trust you. That's the whole story, or at least what I know. We need to leave now." Abby says getting up.

*Phone rings*

"I've got Jaxon, meet me up on the roof or he dies." - Black Cloak

"We have to go!!" Callie screams as we charge down the hallway and up the stairs to the roof.

Busting through the door we see Black Cloak holding Jaxon with a gun at his stomach.

"NO DON'T!!" Callie screams

*Gun shots*

"NO!" Callie shouts crying as Jaxon falls to ground with a scream as the bullet jabs into his stomach.

Black Cloak races too the door and I grab the gun I brought from Florida.

"Hey two can play at this game!" I shout shooting Black Cloak in the leg as they fall down the stairs. I race to the others surrounding Jaxon. His heart stopped beating and Callies tears flood the floor. We call 911 to come as we all stand there in sadness.

• • •

The police and ambulances enter the hotel parking lot. They immediately take Jaxon and the police drive us home. Everyones in shock seeing Abby. We get into the police cars as Callie's tears fall and we shake. We leave the hotel.

"We need to take you to the police station for questioning since Abby's alive, we'll call your parents." Says the police man driving us.

I think there must be more to the story, we will find out when we get questioned. Everything going to change. This means that Black Cloak is willing to kill anyone that's a part of this.

Black Cloak POV

I see them leave knowing I won this time.

"Jaxon's gone and Abby's resurrected, who's next? Watch out I'm everywhere." Black Cloak

Hey guys! So yes Jaxon's dead and Abby's back for good, but the wars just beginning! Thanks for reading hoped you enjoyed :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2016 ⏰

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