*~Gerard's P.O.V~*
I walked into my house, sighing as I threw my black backpack onto the floor, "Gee?" "Hey Mikes." Mikey looked at the rip on my tights then the dirt on my skirt "What happened?" He asked his voice laced with concern. "Well I ripped them by falling during lunch and I'm dirty because a boy ran into me." Mikey nodded "Did he apologize? Who was it exactly that ran into you?" I rolled my eyes, Mikey may have been younger than me but he constantly acted like an over protective older brother, which on occasion had helped with lots of things but at the same time is extremely annoying. "Yes he did and his name was Frank Iero." Mikey's expression twisted into something I can't exactly explain "Frank apologized to you?" "Yes." I replied, raising an eyebrow "Does that surprise you?" Mikey nodded and shrugged "I just heard the Iero kid had a bad reputation, Gee, I don't want you hanging with a bad crowd." And there goes over protective brother mode again. I sighed and smiled, sitting down on our worn down tan couch, crossing my legs. "Mikey, listen, he didn't hurt me, threaten me or steal my
lunch money, Don't worry so much." Mikey sat next to me, sighing a bit "It's just my job to worry, Gee, you're the person I look up to the most, I can't have you getting hurt." I ruffled his hair "Mikes, I seriously don't know what I'd do without you." "Nothing productive I'm sure."-
I woke up sprawled out on the couch, a small brown blanket draped over me. "Mikey must've done that." I said to myself quietly, sitting up and stretching. I looked at the clock, eight twenty in the morning, guess it's a good thing it's the weekend. I stood up and stretched once more, yawning before entering the kitchen, Mikey was sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal "Morning sleeping beauty." I rolled my eyes grabbing a bowl from the cupboard "Morning. Did dad leave already?" Mikey shook his head "He called, he stayed at his girlfriends last night." I shifted uncomfortably, I knew dad had started dating again but in all honesty it still bothers me. You see about five years ago Mikey and I's mother passed away, it started with a simple cold that progressed into a flu and one night she lied down and Mikey went to wake her up and she just wouldn't. It really had broke our father, more than it broke Mikey and I, but eventually we'd all picked up the pieces and tried to rebuild our family, I started to go to go to school again, Mikey began to make friends again and our father started to date. Him dating was what scared me, the thought of him possibly getting remarried tore me up inside, but part of me knew it would happened eventually and there was absolutely nothing I can do.
I was to caught up in my thoughts to notice I hadn't moved from my spot at the counter and had a few tears running down my cheeks. "Gee?" I jumped as Mikey said my name "W-What?" I felt a hand on my back and I tensed, Mikey sighed behind me "Gee, are you crying?" I shook my head and turned, plastering a smile across my face. "Not at all." Mikey frowned "You're a terrible liar Gee, you know that, whats wrong?" I smiled sadly and shrugged "Just thinking about mom and dad." "Gee, I know how hard it is, but dads finally happy, we need to keep it that way." I nodded and turned back to my cereal which was now soggy and kind of warm "I guess so." I said softly, poking my spoon at the cereal, Mikey sighed and places his hand on my back once more "Gerard, please just try." "I will, Mikey, I will."If you actually read this shit, thanks you're great.
Sincerely, X
The Princess And The Punk (Ferard) (On hold)
FanfictionMost people when they run into one other just brush it off and carry on with their lives, usually forgetting about it a little while later, but for Gerard Way it was an entirely different story, and really, if he hadn't ran into Frank Iero and ended...