T H I R T Y - T H R E E ; MOON

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_______I could see the signs, she was fixed to fly

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_______I could see the signs, she was fixed to fly...

third month of reign ;

He invades her wicked paradise, accidentally stumbling into hell as anger is burning inside of his dark brown eyes.

Sasha has been strangely silent for a couple of days now and, although everyone eventually came to the conclusion she certainly needed a break after the hurtful scene she witnessed, the fact she's actually about to miss their flight suddenly concerned the entire team.

Therefore Seth immediately decided to search for her, convincing Kevin and Emma to stay at the airport because if him and the Boston native were to arrive late, somebody needed to provide a decent and made up story to explain the reasons why.

Unknown sounds resonate in his ears while he's still proceeding to march through the mess her hotel room had become, more and more worried about her sake as she made a reputation out of cleaning the slightest mark she'd spot.

Anxiety is gradually building up as he gulps with difficulty, catching a glimpse of a frightening Sasha pacing right and left and frenetically pulling her messy hair.

Her panicked gaze never seems to leave her phone's screen while she keeps mumbling under her breath, a blank and scary look perceivable through her eyes.

Seth's jaw remains locked, the words trapped inside of his tense throat and his mind struck numb in front of such an unfrequent view.

She eventually notices his presence and the second she does, a drastic shift of energy exudes out of her, going from a terrified aura to another one, this time filled with hatred.

"This is all your fault, everything is your fault." Banks exclaims, muffling a sob at the same time and shocking one already clueless Architect, his own creation falling apart before his very eyes.

"You kept harping about how I wasn't ready to handle the pressure. How it'll be so much better for me to let go of the title now before it drives me-" Sasha restrains herself from saying the last word, as if it'd ultimately wreck here if pronounced.

She's drowning and no matter how deep he tries to dive, her lifeless body keeps slipping from his fingertips. All he can do is admiring her disappear slowly while it hurts him beyond imagination.

"I always just wanted to help." Rollins manages to regain a semblance of composure to retord a truth he swore he'd never share with anyone else, too afraid that his rare good intentions could ultimately be used against him and considered a weakness.

From the very first day he layed his sharp gaze on her vulnerable entity, he saw a something in her that very few others were able to distinguish.

He even caught himself exchanging his opinion regarding her mindblowing potential with the NXT's coaches and also very frequently with his cherished and very dearly missed mentor : Dusty Rhodes.

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