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_____Death came too quickly

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_____Death came too quickly...

Glacial statements add-up to the already unfriendly atmosphere spreading through the corridors, drastically contrasting with the vivid indignation and resentment waking up in a once pure heart.

The delicate flowers filling her innocence's playground turned frozen and a devastating blizzard has been unleashed, suppressing any bit of naivety and revealing something she fought so hard to accept all these years: the truth.

The harsh, hard to swallow and heartbreaking fact that in order to survive in an universe plunged in obscurity, the key isn't to ignite a light and attract every demons of the land - as if holding a target high above your head. The solution is to smother the flames exuding from a brave soul, forcing it to blend in with the crowd and ultimately make good use of the knife you're hidding behind your back all this time.

A divine figure has been struck by a precious revelation, finally figuring out that the key to survival is sometimes something you have to rip of from the hand that is holding it so tightly. The same hand that hold the opportunity you had to get rid of your chains captive.

Ultimately you just fulfill your brightest desires with the darkest of methods.

"Emma, we've been hearing many rumours regarding yours and Sasha's alliance and the trouble you guys seem to have to get along. Do you find this to be true ?"

An anxious Rich politely demands, well-aware of the new Superstar's attitude and how limited her patience prove to be when facing irksome situations. Shaking slightly, the short interviewer licks his lips discreetly in a desesperate attempt to appear the least nervous possible.

The charming Australian lays her hypnotic eyes on the man, irritation easily shining through her gaze as she's still debating whether yes or no his question is valuable enough or if she'd be wasting time in speaking up.

Few seconds pass by and the atmosphere tenses up even more, quiet weighing on the weird interviewer who is unabale to cleary distinguish her intentions.

Eventually Emma unlocks her crimson lips, gracing the Universe with her wisdom. Her elegant movements ignite in a sort of paradox whilst she's aggresively grabbing the microphone, surprising Rich who takes a few steps back at the demand of the venemous Daisy.

"I'm getting sick and tired of people asking me about Sasha everywhere I go. After all what has she done that is worth talking about, except following my footsteps and stealing the spotlight that should have been mine all along ? "

Anger is quick to be written all over her previously splendid face, the young wrestler spitting out all the poison she's kept inside every time they forced her to sit on the sidelines, her sad eyes uncapable of observing new girls offered the opportunities that should have been rightfully hers.

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