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Elena Carter: Elena is the type of girl thinking everything is going to be okay in the end. Results are is that not everything is going to happen the way you want them to. She's an independent, strong 18 year old senior, who manages to run into the wrong guy. She's broken to start with, and it doesn't get better when she's dragged into the business.

Austin Mahone: Austin is not the type of person you want to be around. He kills, steals, and breaks many things along the way. He's had a rough 2 years after the death of his dad caused my Dean Withers. The only thing he wants to get revenge and keep his place in Miami with his gang 'The Chargers.' He saves others before he tries to save himself.

Casey Brooke: Casey is your average delusional teenage girl. She has the looks and the popularity. She's been seeing Austin and wants him glued to her side every second. She finally has what she wanted and she wants no one to take it away.

Tyler James: Tyler is a cute gentlemen that everyone loves. He ends up being one of Elena's best friends. He's one of the most selfless people that you will ever meet. He has his eyes on Elena and that could lead into some trouble in the end.

Sean Rathbone: Sean is the founder of 'The Chargers.' He's 23 years old and is involved with guns, bombs, and drugs. He gets his hands dirty only to protect the city of Miami from anyone trying to destroy it. He works with Austin, and his 3 best friends Zach, Alex, and Robert. Kyle is a year older than the rest of them at 19 years old. It's been a whole 2 years since they've been working together and in the end he wants to win.

Dean Withers: Dean is the most feared gang member. He is only in it to beat, kill, and destroy anything that is in his way. He was beat by Austin's gang 2 years ago and had trained well enough to come back and take him down along with the city of Miami.


Revised 12/20/14

(Written in September 2013, some characters were taken out & some were put in.)

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