Chapter Nine "Why do you always calm me down?"

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Chapter Nine

Chapter Song: Breathe Into Me - Red

Elena's Point of View

I parked my car right behind Austin's on the side of the road. I ran out of car and he turned around. "Elena you need to leave right now."

"No I'm not letting you go in there by yourself! What if you get hurt, at least I'll be there for you."

"No, what if you get hurt? I can't risk that. Now get in your car and drive back home," he said trying to stay calm and cool.

I rolled my eyes. "Do you really think I'm going to do that?" I walked up to him and grabbed his hand. "I'm going in with you no matter what."

"You know Elena you're really stubborn."

He led me back in the woods where a two story wooden house was. I wonder how old it was. Before he was going to barge through the door he grabbed onto my shoulders, "Don't do or say anything. Leave it all to me." I nodded. He reached in his back pocket and held up his gun. "Remember what I said." He kicked the door open just in the right spot and he opened. "Dean I know you're here with Casey!" Austin shouted. "Get behind me we're going upstairs to the bedroom." He reached out his left hand and I grabbed it, making our way upstairs.

It was silent. We both remained quiet to find at least one noise that would give us a hint as to which door to go through. The floor creaked below our feet. I tried walking without so much pressure, but that didn't even help. Austin stopped in front of the only door that was lit from the bottom. He took a deep breath before ramming his foot against the door, once again opening the door. Casey was pushed up against the wall in her undergarments with Dean kissing her.

"What the fuck!?" Austin shouted. He ran up and yanked Dean off of Casey. Severely pounding Dean's face in with his fists, Austin was thrown off as Dean dodged a hit and landed a solid punch to Austin's nose, blood gushing from the side of Austin's head flew. Spitting blood, Austin rammed his knee into Deans gut causing him to crouch before he slammed him into the ground. Austin punch him a good amount of times, Dean dodging some of them. Finally, he took his gun and aimed it to his head, "You rally thought that you would get away with this huh Dean. Well, I've been waiting for this exact moment to pull the trigger and watch the bullet cut through you head."

"So this is it huh Mahone?"

"You better fucking believe it is."

"Austin don't!" I shouted. He turned his head back. "Please don't shoot him, at least not right now." I sighed. He was breathing heavily, hesitating whether to pull the trigger or not. I was getting ready to cover my eyes. He dropped the gun and grabbed Dean by shirt. "Don't think your off the hook. I only did it because of her." he let go and wiped the blood from his face. "Casey put on your clothes and get in the car." He said gritting his teeth. "Let's go Elena."

I followed him downstairs, waiting for Casey. She came down the stair not even making contact with Austin. "I want all of your shit out of my house when we get there. I want you to never talk to me or any of the guys."

"But Austin-"

"No buts! You're disgusting for doing that, I know that your affiliated with him. Let's go."

I walked outside and it was dark out. Austin was leaning up against his car smoking a cigarette with Casey in the back seat of his car. "Hey I'm sorry about Casey."

"Don't be. She's a fucking mess." He threw his cigarette on the ground to put it out.

"What about your nose?"

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