A month later

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"You just remind me of something have you already told Shizu-chan about your crush on him?"

"I....no I didn't and I actually came to ask you if you would help me with making him jealous."

"I knew that you wouldn't just come over to visit me!"

"What do you mean?"

"You never even cared about me anyway!"

"Name-kun that's not true."

"Then how come you never call me and ask me if something is bothering me or if something good happened? I am just one of your chesspieces right? Get out of my sight! Leave my flat and delete my number!"

"But Name-kun!"


"Okay. See you..."



It was now a month ago when I last saw Izaya and somehow I wasn't as hurt as I thought I would be, Ryou and I had a perfect relationship and everything seemed to go pretty good.
It seemed almost too perfect for my own liking.
So I went to Shizu-chan and asked him if he knew anything about Izaya-kun.

" Hi Shizu-chan, how are you doing? Anything new? "
" Well, the flea wasn't here for almost a month, but that's a good thing, if you ask me. "
" You sure about that? Why would he leave his beloved 'bukuro? "
" Dunno but I am not mad about it. "
" Okay thanks for the help Shizu-chan."

I then went away, leaving ikebukuro and went straight to Shinjuku where I knew Izaya's flat is.
I knocked on the door only to see it was opened by Namie.
"What are you doing here? "
" I am here for Izaya-kun, is he here?"
" Yes, but why should I let you inside? "
"I need to ask him some stuff so leave before I make you begg to see the light ever again."

"Why should I believe you?"

"Because I am your worst nightmare."

She then stepped aside and let me in, I guess it must've been because of this look of total anger.

"Izaya Orihara you better come out wherever you are!"

"Name-kun? what are you doing here?"

"Shut up and start explaining!"

"What do you want me to explain?"

"Oh you know what I mean, so stop pretending and fucking tell me what the bloody hell is wrong with you!"

"What do you mean I don't know."

"Oh sure you do. Why else would Shizuo tell me that you weren't in your beloved 'Bukoro for a whole month. That can't be a bloody coincidence."

"Maybe it was because I didn't wanted to see you!"


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