Back in Ikebukuro

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"Wait before you go, did you really mean it? "

"What exactly? "

"That you love me."

"Maybe, Maybe not you'll never know..."


5 years later
Name's POV

Finally back in sweet old 'bukuro.
Really missed the city, I often thought about coming back but well somehow I started to work as a barista in Osaka.
And I came back to open my own little cosplay coffee shop.
I was so excited about this, that I couldn't sleep the whole drive.
I moved back into my old flat and got my stuff settled down.
I logged into my old dollars account and wrote into the chat room: Guess who's back in 'bukuro?
Everybody in the chat was excited about it, and I told them about my coffee shop. We all talked about 4 hours and then I decided to log out and get a few hours of sleep.

I hoped that everything was going to be ok.

*timeskip to the next day brought you by Will's love for Hannibal *

On the next day when I was at the shop and got everything settled, I showed my employees what to do and how to serve the cosumers.

I was really excited.

"Name-kun thanks for your hard work!"

"No problem, I'm just doing my Job."

"Oh there's a customer."

"Welcome to Name's Cosplay cafe'."

The person walked inside and sat down at one of the tables.

I decided to get the order of the customer.

"Hello, my name is Name, what can I bring you?"

"Well at first I'd like to have your phone number~"

"Well, I am sorry but that's not possible. "

"Name-kun! Don't you remember me~?"

"Oh I do remember you, Izaya Orihara. But that's the reason why you don't get it. "

"Are you angry with me? "

"No but I have other things to do so, please go and annoy Shizu-chan."

"But Name-kun we haven't seen each other in ages and you are just shoving me away. You're so cruel to me."

"It's not like I have a shop to run. "

"Did you ever think about coming back to ikebukuro in the past years?"

"Of course I did and I often thought about coming back,but I got a job in Osaka and I enjoyed it. "

"Did you leave because of me?"

"Why would I? I didn't have a reason. I just wanted to get some new air in my system. "

"But why 5 years?"

"I was busy. "

"Busy screwing some innocent guys?"

"You haven't changed, you still think that I am a heartless douchebag. Why do you think so low about me. Do I really seem like that kind of person to you? "

"To be honest, for all the time I have known you, you were that kind of guy. You always had a lover it didn't matter where you were."

"But you know that people change. I should get you another waiter."

"No please don't go, I want you to stay with me."

"Did you just ask me out for a date?"

Well...yes? "

"I guess I will decline this invitation. "


"Because of the way you think about me. I am not going to listen to this any longer."

"Before you go, I want to ask you. Did you mean what you've said last time we met? "

"Remind me of what I have said. "

"You said that you love me is that true? "

"Well, I am sure that you can figure out the answer on your own. "

"What? "

"I said that you need to find the answer on your own. So see you soon. "

"... yeah see you soon. "

Izaya left the shop and I went back to work.
I thought about what I had said the whole time.
I don't want to lose Izaya, but at the same time, I want him to know how much he's hurt me.
Not even an hour later my brother Tony came in my shop.

"Name-kun! "

"Yes? "

"i am so glad that you are back in ikebukuro. I missed you so much. "

"it's nice to see you too."

"Guess who I have just met on my way to you."

"Izaya Orihara? "

"How do you know that? "

"He was here just an hour ago. "

"What did he say? Are you two finally a thing? "

"No, he still thinks that I am not taking my relationships serious. "

"Oh, so what are you going to do about it now? "

"I said that he needs to figure out about my feelings for him on his own. "

"You're not making the things between the both of you easier..."

"Well you know that I am not good with relationships. "

"Don't worry Onii-chan will help you get the booty of your cutie. "

"Thank you. "

"Are you free tomorrow at seven? "

"Sure, why ?"

"Just come to my house. "

"Okie dokie. "

*Timeskip brought you by Winston the dog*


"Come in."

I went inside and sat down on the couch only a few moments later the door bell rang and Tony sprinted to it.
Inside came...Izaya.

"So Izaya-kun, Name-kun here has feelings for you now please take a room and go for it."

"He has what? "

To be continued. ...

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