Yes, I Gave Into the Trend

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When Avengers: Age of Ultron came out, yes, I grew attached to Pietro Maximoff even though I didn't think I was. Yes, I cried when he died. "You didn't see that coming?" You bet your ass I didn't, not from a mile away.

Honest to God, in that moment, I understood how my readers feel when I kill off characters. And boy does it hurt. 

Doesn't stop me from cruel writing though ;) *cue collective readers crying*

Fanfic exploded around him around that time, so much that it almost gave me whiplash. Naturally, I'm hopping on the bandwagon after the hype has died down a little bit.

Disclaimer: Aurora Taylor/any other original characters of my own creation/plot belong to me. Everything else, Marvel characters/concepts don't belong to me. Simple as that.

If you steal any of these lovely things, you won't like what happens. Trust me. I've got connections. *cough* Avengers *cough* 

I've also got loyal followers who will have your scent like that *snaps fingers*

But seriously, stealing is wrong. You wouldn't want someone to take credit for something you did, would you?

Let's just say, for argument's sake (and this story's sake), that Civil War doesn't exist, nor does it ever happen (we'd all be happier if it hadn't in the first place). 

This follows the events of Age of Ultron (note: does not mean take place in), and the gang (plus a few others) are all one big happy, dysfunctional (that being a very key word) family. 

Oh, and, also, Pietro has a near death experience and does not die.

fabulous trailer by ketterdams

Bad Blood {*Pietro Maximoff*}Where stories live. Discover now