*23* - Monumental Preparation

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I can't remember the last time I had a hangover

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I can't remember the last time I had a hangover. I want to forget how shitty it feels.

My headache is at hangover level, and it hurts to even open my eyes. The lighting, thank god, isn't blindingly bright. I still shield my eyes with my hand, though, for precaution. There's a ringing in my ears, and I'm in a place I don't know.

I jump at the sound of the door opening in front of me. I relax when it's familiar faces. But I'm curious about the boxes that Mother carries in her arms. I'm not quite sure what they are.

"How do you feel?" she asks sweetly.

"Crappy," I croak.

"Someone knocked you pretty good on the head. It's okay, you'll get your bearings back."

"What's in the boxes?"

"A precursor to where we're going." She walks the boxes over to me and sets them in my lap.

I look to her and Genevieve questioningly. "And these are for...?"

"Our big move," Gen quips. "It's time, Aurora."

"And this requires a wardrobe change?"

"Well, given your abilities, we want you to remain anonymous," Mother explains. "The others have theirs ready to go. You and Gen still have to change."

"Where are we heading?"

"I can't tell you, I want to see the look on your face. Go on, get changed. I'll be outside when you're ready." Mother motions Genevieve out of my room, and I put the boxes beside me to open them.

The bigger one I tackle first. Inside is a leather cat suit, adorned with fingerless gloves which I immediately adore. My fingers rub the leather, making sure this is real. I grab the second box, which is much thinner and smaller, and it reveals a black mask that fits around the eyes. This is a superhero outfit. I'm not quite a superhero, though, am I? Superhero would classify me as an Avenger, which I'm not. I'm Hydra loyal, like Gen, like Mother. Like Dad.

A little wary, but kind of excited about the change, I strap on the new addition. The cat suit feels a bit tight, but the gloves are snug on my hands. I cradle the mask, staring it down. You're a new person when you put this on. Someone powerful. Someone badass. The people will know your name...whichever you choose it to be. The thought of making up my alternate identity name is exciting.

I have time to think on it.

I step out of the room, where Mother waits, like she claimed. Her hair is in short, curly blonde ringlets. She smiles warmly at me, and I look down abashedly at the mask I still hold between my fingers.

"You don't like the mask?" Mother frowns.

"I do, it's...This sounds stupid, but, this feels monumental, Mother." I raise my eyes to look into hers. Eyes that we share.

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