*28* - Holiday Spirit

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 "Hey, hey, what did I say about messing with the tree?"

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 "Hey, hey, what did I say about messing with the tree?"

I glance over my shoulder at a mildly irritated Tony Stark. "I'm still decorating. I never got to finish from the first time I helped out."

"Oh, no, you're gonna kill this beautiful tree if you freeze it."

"Chill out, Shellhead, I'm just frosting some of the branches. I'm not turning the tree into a sculpture." I roll my eyes and go back to what I was previously doing before Tony yelled at me. "Although, if I really worked hard at it, I could work on being an ice sculptor."

The holiday seasons are upon us. We just finished up Thanksgiving, which was held at the Avengers Tower, and now we're slowly migrating to the Christmas spirit. It's only inside, though, even though Tony insists the tower would look festive if we put a lot of Christmas lights around the outside. His girlfriend, Pepper Potts, and many of us, said it was a bad idea waiting to happen. It wasn't so much about how the tower would look, rather just setting up the lights would probably go wrong and Tony would get fried somehow.

I watch the sprinkles of frost coat sporadic branches of the tall tree. For the record, I had no say in the height of the tree—supposedly it was Tony's right, because it was his tower.

Needless to say decorating as a group was a fun task. It was a battle of what ornaments went where. No, seriously, Clint and Natasha battled a few times for ornament placement. Natasha won every time.

"What are you complaining about? Her frost makes it look wonderful," Wanda murmurs.

I smile proudly. "Thank you, Wanda. I'm glad someone appreciates my vision."

Out from a wall, Vision ghosts through. "I heard my name?" he inquires.

I sigh. "I didn't call for you, Vis. Sorry for the confusion. You're still learning. Can't be easy, being an android."

"It isn't easy." He inspects the tree. "I thought we just celebrated a holiday?"

"It's the most wonderful time of the year, buddy," Tony tells the android. "You get to experience your first Christmas! Soon you'll go through your first New Year!"

"And that's cause for celebration?"

Tony rolls his eyes. "We're going to work on your lack of human culture. We'll have plenty of time unless God forbid we need to save the world's ass again in the near future."

"Someone has to take him Christmas shopping, then," says Wanda. Tony gives her a look. "What? It'll help him understand our culture better!"

"You think your brother will let you out with him? Better question: you prepared for all the attention you'd get? Vision isn't exactly...uh, human."

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