Ask Rawr

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Hey guys, Frankie here! Well welcome to Rawr's Ask page, Ask Rawr! We all know you huys asked questions, so let them be answered! Onward my fellow readers!

Question #1:

TuckingFyposBro asked... How to recover from an awkward situation?

Frankie answered... Depending on the situation you should either act natural, smile, make up an excuse, act like you meant to do it or hope no body saw it. ^_^

I hoped this helped, if it did don't forget to vote and comment. :D

Question #2:

theimpossibility_ asked... How do you deal with 2 best guy friends that are crushing on you?

Frankie answered... If you feel the same way tell him or get him to confess it if he hasn't already. If you don't feel the same way just try to ignore it and let him know you don't feel the same way, or if you don't want to do that you can just pretend you don't know and just continue how your relationship the way it was! But remember if you do feel the same way don't worry about it ruining your relationship remember the little word we all call faith! ^_-

I hope this help if it did please vote and comment. :D

Question #3:

JojoTee asked... My best friend has a crush on my boyfriend. What do I do?

Frankie answered... First of all you need to remember what ever the situation in you have a good relationship with this best friend/friend don't let this ruin it! The thing I would suggest would be that you talk to your best friend about it and discuss things like how this might effect the relationship between you and your boyfriend or the relationship between you and her. But all you have to do is be STRONG!

Hope this helped if it did please vote and comment. :P

Question #4:

TuckingFyposBro asked... What do you do if you have an online crush but he's older than you?

Frankie answered... Tell the crush how you feel! Age is just a number! Your heart cant decide on the age of the one it chooses. But be safe as this is on the internet and you might not know who this is. Apart from that go for it and I wish you all the best!

Hope this helped if it did please vote and comment. ^_^

Question #5:

Whyiseveryonetaken asked... Is it bad that I like both anime and 1D? My old anime friends have basically shunned me. My directioner friends don't mind at all, well, a handful of them do. So why is it bad for me to enjoy both?

Frankie answered... Have you wondered if the anime friends are tomboys and the 1D friends are girly? My sister likes 1D because she is more girly than me and I don't like them as much because I am a tomboy. What I am trying to say is that girls who are into more boyish things have less appreciation for boy bands, than girly girls who do, and visa versa. So don't worry about it just stick with your 1D friends as they appreciate you for who you are. ^_- 

Hope this helped if it did please vote and comment. ^_-

Don't forget to comment your questions and get them answered we hope we can post more questions next week! :D

Question 6:

TheNutellaMaker asked... Me and my boyfriend broke up for the summer since we were not going to be able to hang out. Then we will get back together when school starts again. But, we also broke up because we wanted to date other people for the summer, We both have no problem with it, but my friends say its a bad idea. Should we just break up for good?

Frankie answered... Well, this decision is for you and your heart, guts and brain to decide. But because of the situation I think I would dump him for good because if you and him want to break up to go out with other people, I would think that both of you don't think your good enough for each other. Maybe it's because you cant handle long distance relationships? If yes this is understandable, but I would dump him so I could find someone who I can spend time with and not have to break up all the time. So this is what my heart says but what does yours say? That is the real question.

I hope this helped vote and comment if it did! c:

Question 7:

MrsStrawberry asked... I'm only 13 but I feel like I'm just going through the motions and waiting for something that's not going to happen. What should I do to make that feeling of waiting go away?

Frankie answered... If you are feeling that means your body is telling your brain that it wants something but its mainly just hormones since you are starting in your teenage years. Try and achieve what your body wants and hopefully it will pass I have experienced that before and trust me it helps.

I hope this helped you :) Vote and Comment if it did. :P 

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