If you look at the conversation page, I'm sure you'll see a long roll of advertisements. Many of them don't have replies, fewer result in reads. It's important for us to remember that as this account grows, our voices will be trampled by everyone else trying to express themselves.
We have to make our presence felt, like a slow burning fire. We can't be an oft-forgotten spark. In and out, like a ghost.
How do we make our presence felt? We should do read for reads right there on the conversation tab. Reply to an advertisement or, even better, PM someone you see advertising and do a read for read. There is a book on this account for that sort of thing, but it's much freer if you just hit someone up and get a read for read going. It doesn't take much time to follow someone, read a paragraph, or offer a vote.
Those who reply to ads, comment and vote on other peoples' work will get a mention on the bio advertising their work. So let's start sharing!