Chapter 1 Into the Future(unrevised)

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The 25th was rather cold for a day in May, Tanem recalled an image of the woman he loved being too heavy on my mind to really notice the cold. A light rain fell too, it would have been relaxing if there was not a place to be. There were many places that he needed to go and only the last got him to Rehana. The year is 2382, and the people of his planet have been space capable for 230 years. Since his ancestors left their world they had colonized 12 other worlds within a 9 light year radius. They call themselves the A.C.P or Aligned Coalition of Planets. As of yet they went no farther than 10 light years from their home world, but after two and a half decades people can get curious. This is the day Tanem graduated from the Saltaner Space Academy and the day his life changed. Today was the day Tanem almost died, but it did end his days as a pilot and the day life became more interesting than he had ever expected.

The Saltaner Space Academy had been his home for the past four years, ever since the rest of his family died in a fire a week after he was accepted to the academy. Tanem is all that remains of the Jax Loyalist blood-line, just hoping he's not the last one drives me mad. Pushing my pain aside for just a little longer, he could not let it distract him during the final exam. The classes were challenging and the reason was worth the challenge. A first time event was about to take place. Tanem and Rehana had been fortunate to be selected for the New Howler expedition. At the same rate another 5,998 people had also been selected for the program, and only 2000 were going to be stationed on a New Howler Class starship. There were only going to be four of the class, for now at least Explorer, Delta Expedition, Theta Oria, and the Aquarius. All of which were currently in construction.
Many positions needed filled on these four vessels, his recruitment details specialized for him to be at the helm. Of course out of the twenty-four with that specialization only eight of us would make it. And of all the position testing going on here and in the other academies Tanem seemed to be the best pilot on the list. By now Rehana should be done with the tests for engineers, he had to hope she passed with flying colors. It did not matter one of them had to finish on a higher level score, and if one of them failed completely they would just file as family, that is if either of them made it in.

Tanem had been at the Academy for a matter of seconds when he heard the name that he feared most get called, "Tanem Jax report to holochamber 1," what he feared most in this moment was his own name.


The next two hours were all but exciting, Tanem was sitting at the helm of a computer generated vessel, it wasn't all bad, just waiting for something to happen. Out of nowhere my monitors picked up an energy signature, seconds later it attacked. He could hear the hull groan after the first hit, sparks flew from unsecured consoles and could smell as a fire broke out on the bridge. Another attack, one more shudder and groan. Seemed like forever before Captain Zarelna said anything, but that could have been milliseconds in reality "helm bring us about, tactical full power to the pulse cannons." Her voice was strong and determined, but what appeared in the bridges display screen seemed to shake even that. "Helm take us under their guns," However Tanem saw another way to solve the problem.

Tanem started to speak while he programed the helm with her orders, "Captain Zarelna, I know this is out of place but that order is suicide, we may not survive I do have an alternate idea," He stated flat out, fear overtaking him and he only had just this one chance.

Her reply was expected but she also seemed to trust me, "Tanem Jax if you get us all killed I will put you in hell myself." She hit the comm panel on her arm rest and spoke, "everyone hang onto something". Once again Tanem found her gaze was on him, "Mr. Jax when you're ready!" He sat and waited, he could feel the tension rising as the enemies main cannon charged.

And then he spoke clear as day "Tactical target these coordinates when the maneuver is complete, if the scans I can see are correct that's the main reactor." Tanem took another deep breath and slowly counted down, and spoke. "Let's do it then!" The enemy ship opened fire as he hit the port thrusters, taking the inertia damper offline so the ship would roll. Stabilizing the ship after the roll was complete, he stated softly to Captain Zarelna, "We're in position Captain!"

She spoke clearly almost as if she couldn't believe Tanem had just pulled off that maneuver, "Well done Mr. Jax, Tactical fire at will." All that remained was to wait and see where he placed, and that is when Zarelna surprised him, "Holochamber disengage program New Howler three," Tanem couldn't speak so he did what he knew he could, he listened closely and carefully. "Tanem Jax it's a pleasure to finally meet a loyalist, but that is not as important as what you need to decide. Congratulations all the tests for the New Howler program are complete, I want you to know that you will have the choice of what ship you leave out with," She stepped towards the chambers exit and turned back to face him. "Personally I hope you pick the Explorer, please keep me appraised of your decision Tanem, she leaves in two years and I would like to have my crew manifest set in stone at the end of next month."

Tanem responded swiftly with smirk growing on my face, "yes ma'am you will know as soon as I talk to my finance," and with that she left. He was alone left with his thoughts, all that remained was to talk to Rehana and decide how and where to continue. With that thought he started heading down the halls that had been my home now wondering if I would ever see them again, but that's life you never know which breath will be last.

The academy's hanger bay was spacious but that was a result of being partially built underground; by the time he left the academy the twelfth floor was empty aside from my shuttle pod, the time it would take to even get there was enough for me to lose patience so Tanem called Rehana. Her first words were typical for a day filled with stress, "So your tail finally decided to call." Of course her anger was only a joke of pure fact that she knew Tanem couldn't call if he wanted too, as she relaxed a little she asked softly, "so how's the wolf I love so dearly."

"Rehana we need to talk, but I think it can wait till I get home. We have a lot to decide." Tanem remember boarding my shuttle, The Loyalist Paw was a standard pod shuttle great for getting around Saltaner. The Loyalist Paw was not a deep space shuttle. The last words he had said to her before lifting away from the platform, "we have the best adventure we could have wished for right on our doorstep my love, I dare anyone to try to take it from two young and very stubborn wolves." He could hear her laugh as he cut off the call and activated his shuttle's reaction thrusters. This trip home was different from any other Tanem could feel it, or was that something else fear or knowing that it ends soon. Then a blue haze dominated everything in my sight, and he realized what it was, but it was too late every console and interface was fried. The Loyalist Paw did the only thing it could at this point. That was to fall...

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