Chapter 3 Perks of Change(unrevised)

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       It's been a week since Admiral Zaryal's proposal for reassignment to the Kyron Sentinel, but some of my questions were left unanswered. The one that was constantly bothering me was how Zaryal had gotten ahold of the Argos program, but that would be answered at some point today. The sky was blue with only a few clouds, but I would not be seeing it for much longer; I was now moving on my own and capable of completing most tasks. My time on the surface of Saltaner was almost over, I was heading for the orbital shuttle Ceti 1; and from there I do not know, one of the all defects of being a officer in the aligned fleet. It was pure luck that Rehana had both gotten stationed on the Sentinel for until the Explorer launched. To my surprise, Zane was going to be part of the security team aboard the Sentinal. As I reached the shuttle Ceti 1 I started reflecting on two days prior.

     Two days ago I ran in to Zane at the Jax mansion memorial, I had not expected to see anyone there let alone another officer in the aligned fleet. It was cloudy looking like it should have started raining hours ago; however his presence was better than always seeing the place with no one else around. Somehow I could tell something was wrong even before I noticed his rambling. "I'm sorry Akara, I failed you that night if I had held you at the coffee shop just a few more minutes you would still be alive; maybe I should of left my mother's store unlocked instead of letting you go alone". I could hear as the tears started falling, "I know what you wanted of me but you never pushed never went farther than being my best friend, I know how you feel now, and you knew it was a path I could not follow; and you sat next to me and said nothing of your feelings ever, and now you're gone and cannot speak, I'm sorry Akara Jax".

     Zane had all but collapsed at this point, so I spoke "I'm sure Akara is glad you stopped by Zane, she always did appreciated people that told her the truth, I just wish that the flames had not taken anyone", I couldn't just walk away. The pain Zane felt was one of trying to run away from pain itself, and now it was consuming him. "So Zane why did you stop going by Jahar, I figure you have a reason", the question sounded a lot different in thought than words.

     When Zane spoke I could not believe what I heard, "because of Akara and tradition, she had been arguing with me for months when she died; so I used both as an escape, and I have been running from the tragedy ever since". "And knowing that she wanted me to be more, so much more than just her friend" Zane tried to fight the tears as he continued; "I ran away from all of it, you most of all because I did not want to be reminded of what I was not capable of being for her". Zane somehow found the strength to stand and face me "I wish I had not run but it's too late now, I hope you don't think any less of me Tanem".

     I have known Zane since we were both little kids, and for the past few years I thought he had perished with Akara; "Zane I can't believe you would expect me to think less of you, no I'm not happy that you decided to disappear; but I'm glad to know you are alive, as for Akara I know how she felt about you always wonder why you two never got together. None of it maters if you don't cherish the good times". "The fire was in 2378 Zane, in deep space were going to lose people; good people that did not have to die, and in a way they won't as long as we remember them. What happened to Akara and the rest of my family had me on the verge of suicide I had to get used to being alone, if it had not been for Rehana I would have jumped into the Salera river; it's because of her that I can help you, that is if you're ok with that I know I can be a little pushy."

     Despite everything that sounded so weird I knew every word I had said was true even with Rehana keeping me alive, but that was for many reasons including her love for me; "Tanem I'm sorry but you need to know I didn't want to run, but I have never lost anything more important to me than Akara". Zane sat on the bench beside where I was standing, "if only I could of loved her the way she..., loved me"; at this point I feared Zane might fall of the bench before he turned to the side and laid back as if he was going to stop talking and sleep.

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