Chapter 2 I'm Alive(unrevised)

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Aden, the farthest colony from the home world stood no more. Some of the creators still heated the grey surroundings of this once beautiful world. The forests had burned, the cities had been bombed to the ground and nothing stood aside from the capital's scorched and tattered remains. Ash from the attack still fell, so far nothing living had been found, not even ocean life seemed to exist on Aden anymore. All that could be seen was cold lifeless remains, buildings rubble, scattered chunks of things that didn't designate, and even more ash. The planet had been reduced to nothing, and it was all because of the Racalnas, or was it my fault too, over twenty million we're on the planet when it was attacked and no more than a million had actually escaped death. I wish I had never responded to Aden's distress call, it was time to gear for war. The pain sinking deeper into my soul, I tapped my ear comm, "Tanem Jax to Explorer I am on my way back up. send our findings to everyone, even civilians, I am done playing the admiral's game." It wasn't me but it was, what happened. I was here alone boarding a shuttle I didn't even recognize. And then I woke up.


I woke up, feeling the pain in my ribs still, when the loyalist paw crashed I had sustained multiple injuries. Along with two cracked ribs i had a minor concussion that was more or less taken care of and a twisted ankle that still bothered me. My eyes took moments to adjust , I had dealt with a nightmare about aden every day since I was admitted to the Hospital, the sight of the grey walls and blue carpet was more peaceful than the horror that awaited me in my sleep. The quiet halls of the Saltaner Fleet Medical Center allowed the fall of footsteps approaching the room I was in to be heard easily. At the same rate it also allowed a person to hear what was being said as well.

The approach stopped as I heard a male voice that was distinctly familiar, "Excuse me Nurse is this the room where I can find Lieutenant Jax?"

The person made the mistake of talking to Nurse Warna, one of the hospitals most defensive nurses on the fact that anyone under her care gets the sleep they need or want without interruption, "Sir, lieutenant Jax is not awake at the time as far as I am aware." She said in a striktly Australian accent, "I will inform you when he is awake but for now I have to ask you to let him sleep." Having been allowed to wear actual clothing as of yesterday I had actually had cargo pants on, so I got out of the bed and grabbed my hoodie from the seat next to the bed and put it on. As usual I slid on my shoes and continued towards the door, I opened the door to see Nurse Warna escorting a fox out of the area. The fox was familiar, I had seen him before but I could not remember where.

"Morning Nurse Warna," I shouted as I exited the room. They both turned around to look in my direction, I continued to try to remember who the fox was and seeing his face did the trick. Jahar, had been my friend since we were children, our fathers had fought side by side during the Purity war, ending with Jahar's father dying on a suicide mission, even if the entire fleet would have gone, most of the fleet would have been destroyed and when the war ended my father left active service with the fleet.

Nurse Warna didn't seem surprised that I just happened to step out of my room as she was escorting someone away and she talked to Jahar first, "Go talk to him, he is awake I guess." Then to me she shouted with an over zealous amount of authority, "Remember you are not allowed to leave the hospital grounds, Cadet Jax!"

With a smile I waved at her and stated, "Can't leave till tomorrow and you know that!" I turned and started walking as Jahar approached who then started walking directly beside me. "Jahar, where are we going?" I said with a smirk.

Jahar looked at me with an awkward smile and looked directly into my ice blue eyes with his Emerald Green eyes, "Sorry, I thought Mom would have informed you, I go by Zane now, Admiral Zaryal asked me to see that you were informed that he was in the courtyard and wanted to speak to you, it's good to see you again Tanem."

I let my eyes fall from his gaze and smiled, "Zane has a better sound to it than Jahar did, alright let's not keep the admiral waiting." We picked up our speed, the walls throughout the hospital were the same boring Grey the carpet changed depending on what ward you happened to be in. It had been four years since I had last spoken to Zane, the day the rest of my family died. for some reason the grey reminded me of the ash that my home had been reduced to in that fire. I had been walking home when it started but I couldn't get there in time.

The bright sun pulled me away from the memory as it blinded me as we exited the building. From there the walk was brisk. Zaryal was at the courtyard, near the center of the hospital. Flowers of all sorts of shapes and colors surrounded trees with leaves so green it could glow, tables and benches were scattered around the courtyard with a few ponds as well. At one of the benches was a canine of pure white in a fleet uniform, his eyes were blue with a strip of blue gliding down the left side of his face and his gaze was already on me. The attention of an Admiral is not what I wanted to have and the serious look on his face did nothing to ease the fact I had no idea what he was about to say.

"Tanem Jax, good to finally meet the cadet I have heard so many things about," Zaryal said in a Strict tone. "You look better than I expected from the reports of the wreck, however that is not why I am here, please sit!"

It was more of an order than an invitation but he was my superior officer so I stated, "yes sir!" And went on with what was needed of me.

"Lieutenant, a little privacy please, we have things to discuss." As Zaryal requested Zane left and the Admirals attention zoned back in on me, sorrow started to take his gaze down immediately. "Tanem what do you remember about the crash?"

I took a deep breath, "yes sir, I remember a blue flash and I figure that it was an EMP burst, aside from that I know nothing."

Zaryal seemed impressed but he still carried enough sorrow to burn a hole through anything, "two people attempted to save lives, the EMP was caused by a raider attack, one of their pulse cores exploded when they entered the atmosphere. Captain Nadori ZarIna died this morning because of her attempt though she saved four lives in doing so. The other person was you cadet, you saved three others including Lieutenant Dedran but you lived. Before the attack I got a report from Captain ZarIna, she saw you as a capable of being a great commander and a better captain with the proper training. I want to honor her memory by making you my temporary executive officer of the Kyron Sentinel and then captain of the first of the New Howlers to launch, The Argos Explorer!"

I was about to protest when I recognized the name, "Argos as in Argos Program one, the computer system I was working on as trial before the raider attack that happened four years ago?"

Zaryal had a large smile on his face now, "You remember Argos, that's good, because he remembers you too. We only know of one person who could possibly link directly to Argos, and if it works there will be a computer overhaul on all of the New Howlers before they launch, the Explorer is already fitted as well as the Kyron Sentinel!"

I couldn't help but be relieved that Argos program one had survived which left me one thing to say, "When can I start?"

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