Chapter 20; Him

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My eyes slowly fluttered open, and I was greeted with a blinding light. I groaned, rubbing my eyes and gaining my focus on a white haired man who was kneeling down infront of me.

"Kage.." I spat his name, almost like it was a curse.

He grinned in response, "You've missed me, huh?"

"I would rather jump into an active volcano than be here right now," I looked over to see my brother, who was also glaring at him.

"Hey.." Kage pouted, " need to be so harsh, Adrian."

"Where's Oliver?" I suddenly remembered how we got here.

Kage nodded over to a wall where Oliver was leaning on, his eyes closed and a smirk on his face, "Worried about me, Avalon?"

"I was, actually." I replied, "problem?"

"Ooh." Kage frowned, "I'm jealous of you, Oliver."

Oliver laughed, opening his eyes and looking straight at me. His eyes were the scariest part of his gaze--he just looked..insane, "No need to be jealous, Kage."

"So you two are working together now, huh?" Adrian asked.

"I guess you could say that." Kage shrugged, "I needed someone powerful enough to get me you two, since I couldn't smell you, and Oliver was the right man to do it."

"And what are you going to do to us now?" I asked.

"Well, I'm still in the process of thinking about that. I think the strategy we're going for is to drain the blood out of you--which Oliver can do cleanly, rather than me doing it. So basically, I kill you, gain your immortality and strength. And if I drink your blood then I can have your powers."

"I swear, if you even go near my sister I will break your neck myself!" Adrian struggled against his chains. If looks could kill, Kage would be dead.

"Oh, woah, Adrian.." Kage stood up, and held his hands up in surrender, "no need to be so snappy."

Oliver walked to Kage's side, "Do you want me to shut him up?"

"Nah," Kage replied, "Don't waste your energy..I'll do it, instead."

Kage slowly walked up to my brother, grabbing him by the hair and pulling him up.

"You two are the one's we're killing here. It doesn't matter if I hurt your sister or not." He muttered into Adrian's ear. Adrian's eyes were tearing up as he tried not to scream in agony.

Letting him go, Kage then walked back up to Oliver. Oliver's hands raised, and he grinned . His crazy eyes were back again, "Why don't we all have fun, yeah? I'm sure you two can have loads of fun before you die!"

Kage crossed his arms over, and he raised an eyebrow at Oliver, "Well..I guess you could say that.."

"Uh..I'm not exactly.." I shifted away as Oliver got closer to me, and knelt down, "I'm not exactly the fun type of person, y'know?"

"Oh, Ava, Ava.." Oliver pouted, "Don't lie to me, please. I don't like it when people lie. I remember everytime I was lied to..for example, when my father said we were all going to be alright.."

His face had suddenly turned into an angry expression, "But we weren't, were we?"

"O-oliver, stop this..we're your friends, and I don't like to see my friend like this." I pleaded with him.

His eyebrows furrowed slightly, but a moment later that had been replaced with him giggling quitely to himself, "Sorry, Avalon, but you're not going to get me back that easily."

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