Watch Out New York

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"ERIKA COME BACK!" Flinn yelled for her as she ran off with her dildo. He sighs and walks in her direction. " Flinn! Come here!" He hears her and looks across the street. I don't want to but I guess I will. He slowly walks over to her, " w-what is it Erika?" He was concerned about what she had to say. She didn't have to say anything at all, a small girl like her walked out of an ally way and smiled. " Hey your Flinn, Erika told me about you." She smiled. She seems to be normal. But she wasn't, as soon as she had appeared a blue rhinestone flying dildo came up behind her. " No, oh no, not another flying magic ass fucking dildo!" He covered him ass and hoped that it wouldn't try to do anything. The girl laughed, " No you have the wrong idea, mine is trained." She smirks," but if you want I can have it do whatever I want." Flinn chocked on his reply," n-no thank you," he blushes and looks at Erika. She looks at the other girl in amazement, " you can train it?" She looks at her dildo, and reaches out to hold it. " Of course, it doesn't take much to train these things." She smiles and points down the ally way, " watch this." The dildo flies into the direction she pointed and a few seconds later another boy appears. " uh, Sarah did you need me?" He blushes and looks at Flinn. " Would you mind be an example for my friend, she didn't know you could train a dildo." He blushes more and looks away from Flinn, " uh yeah of course, uh w-what would you like me to do?" He looks at the dildo, " first let's go to the ally way." They walk down to a little hide out and Sarah commands the dildo to softly penetrate the boy. The dildo slowly flies to him and gently goes in. The boy blushes looking over to Sarah. " See, training and commands will make your little dildo a lot better at what is suppose to do." Erika looks at the still dildo waiting for its next command, " wow, mine can do that too, That's amazing!" Sarah chuckles, " Why don't I show you around, the two of you can stay here."

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