Part 3

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It's been almost a week since Dan disowned me... I've been spending my this sorry excuse I call a life living in the woods, starving myself to death.

I've been living in the hollows of an old oak tree on the outskirts of some lame town. The only thing I've been able to eat is some stolen bread I took from the farmers market, ha! I feel like Aladdin.

I guess people have decided to start looking for me, there are a bunch of signs that look a lot like wanted posters. I can't really tell 'cause of my dyslexia though.

*Days of boredom doing nothing later*

Sirens begin to wail. Questioned murmurs come from the passing bystanders. 'Damn I've done it this time!', I scold myself. 'I'm an idiot!'

"Hey kid get back here!", a cop calls. It doesn't phase me one bit when they make such ridiculous threats, like saying things about telling your parents or you could rot in juvie, crap like that, I wasn't really paying attention.

Then I hear a gunshot. Then another. And another. People screamed and blood got everywhere. 'Who knew this much would happen when manage to rob an entire 7/11!' I thought. Then a sharp pain shot up my leg and then my arm and my side.

Luckily I make to the hollowed space I live in, with pretty much everything I didn't drop, before I passed out.



Sorry for the long wait, how short it is and crap. I haven't been in the mood to write and I'm pretty much only doing this because I am really tired and can't fall asleep!

So yes I know this is probably a really really really boring chapter.

So comment or whatever, I'll take suggestions for what may happen in Alex's so called "life" and you know what get people to read the story too! Or ya know do whatever don't really care, I'm too tired to... MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!

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