Fifty Shades Of Cody Simpson

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Well this is my very first story so I really hope you all like it! There probably will be grammar mistakes - just letting you all know.

I RECOMMEND PEOPLE THE AGE OF 16 & ABOVE READ THIS. As there will probably be some "scenes" that are not suitable for younger people.

Please give me a vote & a comment on your thoughts. It would be muchly appreciated.


As I stand on the balcony of my new home taking in the beautiful breeze coming from the beach, I hear mum call "Sally! Come check out this view, it's amazing!" "Coming, mum" I call back. I quickly rush down the stairs & out the back when suddenly I'm hit by the scenery. It's amazing, I think to myself. I can hear the seagulls chirping away, I can see the waves rolling into the rock pool. "Wow, I don't think I have ever seen anything more peaceful" I said. "I knew there would be something you loved about moving to LA, Sally" mum replied. "You see moving to LA wasn't all bad, I know you miss your friends & your old school, but trust me. I'm sure you will love it here" she added.

**The Next Morning**

It was 2am when suddenly I woke up with a fright. "Oh my god, why is it so cold in here" I said to myself, at that moment I realised I had left my balcony doors open. I got up out of my nice comfortable bed to close the doors, but something stops me in my tracks. What's that noise, I think to myself. IT'S MUSIC! Who in their right mind would be playing music at this time in the morning. I want to close my balcony doors & go back to bed, but I can't. I can't move, the music is so beautiful & peaceful. I decided to stay up for a bit & listen to the music that is playing, so I grab my blanket from my bed & wrap it around me, I walk back out onto my balcony & sit with my back against the rails & just listen.

It seems like I've been listening to the music playing for hours, when really it's has only been 20 minutes. As I listen to the music, I realise it's getting louder & closer. I turn around & see a boy he looks about 17 years old. He's holding a guitar, while playing a song that sounds like an instrumental version of Cody Simpsons song 'Pretty Brown Eyes'. He is so caught in the song that he doesn't even know I'm watching him. He stops playing & looks over.

"Oh I'm so terribly sorry if I woke you up" says cody

"It's fine, I couldn't sleep" i lied

"My name is Cody, Cody Simpson. If you were wondering" Cody says.

"Like THE Cody Simpson?" I reply.

"The one & only. You are?" He asked

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Sally" I answer.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Sally" he says softly.

"Like why's, anyway I would love to stay & listen to you play but I actually have to go back to bed now. I have a big day ahead of me" I say, as polite as I can.

"Sweet dreams, Sally" Cody says as I walk inside.

I turn to close my balcony doors & I give him a small smile.

As I lay back in bed, I replay everything that has happened these last few weeks. Saying goodbye to all my friends & Moving from a small country town outside Brisbane in Australia to the big city of Los Angeles knowing no one besides briefly meeting Cody. "Oh boy, I really do have a lot ahead of me" I mumble to myself as I drift in & out of consciousness.


I woke up feeling like i haven't slept in days, it was possibly the worst sleep ever!

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