Caught Out Pt. 3

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I'm so very sorry I haven't updated in a few days, I've just been busy. Anyway I hope you all like this chapter, don't forget to give it a rate & a comment. All feedback is much appreciated.



I hear Sal yelling. At first I thought she was yelling at me, then I come to realise she is yelling at that Cody boy. I walk up to her door to listen in.

She's stopped yelling, now it sounds like she is crying. If that bastard touched my daughter I will kill him! No one hurts my baby girl & gets away with it.

I knock on her bedroom door, I stand & wait until I hear a welcoming sign or something.

"Come in." She sniffles.

I walk in & see her cuddled up on her bed with tears streaming down her face. I walk over to her bed & sit on the edge.

"I'm sorry I broke your phone darling. Ill get you a new one tomorrow." I said as I wiped the tears from her face.

"Don't worry about it. It's not like I will need it now anyway." She said grabbing my hand & holding it.

I know this isn't the time to feel happy, but I can't help it. This is the first time she has even touched me in a caring loving way.

"No, I will get you a new one." I replied.

She looked at me & looked away again. She stayed silent for a few minutes & I knew. He didn't physically hurt her. Her mentally hurt her.

"What's wrong, darling" I asked hoping to give her some sort of comfort.

"H-he broke up with me." She said between sobs.

"He s-said h-he did-didn't love m-me & th-at h-he nev-er d-did." She sobbed.

"Aw baby. You're to good for him. He's nothing but a hotshot male celebrity who thinks he's better than everyone else" I said trying to comfort her.

I gave her an awkward hug & left her room to walk down stairs. I grabbed my car keys & headed out the front door.


I can't believe Cody & I are actually over. He hurt me & I hate him. I hate him so much! I never want to see him again. He's caused me so much pain! Gah!

I hear a car start & I walk over to my window to see who it was. It's dad, where is he going?

I'm glad he was here to comfort me. I never expected that from him. For the first time in a long time, he was a normal dad. Here to comfort his little girl.

10 minutes go by & I hear a car pull up. I assume it's dad so I just stay in my room, as I do not have the energy to move. I've cried so much, it's drained me mentally & physically.

I hear footsteps up the stairs & stop at my door.

'Knock knock' I hear someone knocking on my bedroom door.

"Yeah?" I said wiping my tears away again.

It's dad again. He's come baring gifts.

He hold up his hands & shows me what he has got. In his left hand he has 2 blocks of favourite chocolate Cadbury Snack & Cadbury Turkish Delight & in his right hand he has 2 movies. My favourite movies. After all this time, I can't believe he remembers my favourite movies, Romeo & Juliet & Shrek. God I love my father. He all of a sudden knows how to cheer his daughter up.

"What one you want to watch first?" He asks with a smile.

"Shrek, for sure!" I said giving him the biggest smile I could without making myself seem to happy.

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