Crush on a Dorito

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I can't wait to see him again. He's right there. Just out of my grasp.

They look so joyful. They're singing, oh what are they called-just kidding! They're called carols. I believe they're celebrating a thing called "Christmas." I wish I could join in! And look at Pinetree, that dork, he spilled his juice all over himself! If I were human that'd never happen. Mabel and Michael, with their son Jayden. Ford is still going strong, and wait - STOP! God ffff-fantastic, now I can't get in! Damn them, Bill-proofing the place with that unicorn hair... I'll have to get pinetree outside of there. Stanley is relaxing. After retiring he laid back even more, huh? Didn't think that was possible! On that note, Soos seems to be doing well and the shop is doing much more than thriving. It's exceptional how much their attraction has improved. It's actually an okay store now! Is Pinetree going for a walk...? It is always nice to be with your own kind! His journal said he liked me like this! Okay, here we go!


I honestly love Christmas! It can be so tiring sometimes though!

From Mabel and her husband with Jayden to having to Bill-proof everything it can be a big mess.

Sure I'm 26 now and I should "go find a girlfriend, get married and have kids like Mabel!" but...

I kinda have a crush... on a Dorito.

Not a real Dorito, but a triangular, irritating dream demon called Bill Cipher.

I started thinking 'bout him sometimes. Sometimes turned into often. Often turned into always. Thinking was now writing in a 'journal' or basically a diary. I even drew him as a human. He's so handsome as one too...

Wait what am I thinking! I can't date a floating dorito!

Besides what would people think? "Oh yeah I'm dating an evil dorito!"

I need a breather "I'm heading out!" I yelled to the handful of friends I have in Gravity Falls. I live in Canada at the moment, studying supernatural occurrences there. Soon I'll be heading off to Russia to study the disaster in the mountains there, but I decided to take winter vacation here since I had the chance.

I took out that 'journal' of mine and started scribbling random things about that crush of mine.

Bill. Bill. I want to see Bill. Bill can be nice. Bill's hot. I cannot see Bill ever again. But I want to see Bill. Bill. Bill. "BILL?!?"I skittered as I saw the floating dorito appear."What, wait, how?!"

"What, not liking the view Pinetree? How's this?" He smirked before he engulfed in blue flames and smoke rose up. He had transformed into a man in his mid-twenties, 25 to be exact. He was striking in his bold yellow tailcoat that cut off at the shoulders, with silky black gloves reaching up to there. A small cape with a brick pattern on it, rising only partway, it was on the tailcoat too. There were triangular buttons rising up to under his chest and he had a bow tie and top hat too, both pure black. Black pants and shoes too, pure to the point where they looked attached. He had tanned skin, with only one yellow eye showing. The other was covered by his hair and what seemed to be an eyepatch. His hair was parted on the left, the longer side a yellow blonde and the shorter a deep brown. Not a single wrinkle to be found and flawless, smooth skin.

"I saw that little diary of yours, and I saw those drawings" Bill said, a smug look on his face.

"W-What, y-you saw that!" I blurted out, shit, I'm blushing! WHYYYYYYYY?

"Yup, Pinetree, saw your thoughts too! Flattering, really." More evidence that Bill is evil, yet sexy all the-wait, NO!

"Oh I'm sexy too?" Bill was more self-confident by the moment. Is that a blush...?

"Why are you here dorito?" Seriously, WHY?!

"Well I was observing that Christmas thing and I thought if I wanted to celebrate I'd need some friends and a Pinetree!" Bill stated mockingly.

"You can't even get into the shack, so go away!" I said, twitching with annoyance.

"You see, I have a hunch." No no no no! "That I can get into the shack in this form"

He grabbed me and we flew off towards the mystery shack. Shit!

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