Dipper's boyfriend Will

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He grabbed me and we flew off toward the mystery shack. Shit!

We were speeding by until we slowed and stopped lightly in the snow. It was like a pillow.

Bill was still grabbing me by the wrist against my will. What the heck is he planning?

"I'm your boyfriend, Will. Got it, Pinetree? Oh, and try not to mention the whole dream demon thing, okay? I'd rather your family not be hostile towards me."

I froze. Boyfriend. Will. Actually Bill. Bill why. Can he even get in? How am I supposed to pull this off? Has he even thought this through? I'm mentally face palming so hard right now it's not even funny.

"Nope, I haven't thought this through! But who cares Dippy?" He said as he tugged me along to the door.

"I do! I care!" This was getting scarier by the moment, but I was blushing at his pet name for me, Dippy.

"That was a rhetorical question, Pinetree." he said jokingly.

By this point I knew he was fine in the area of actually getting into the shack since he had gotten close enough now. But him? My boyfriend, Will? This is going to be tricky.

He knocked, still holding my wrist. I thought 'we might as well hold hands' and he agreed, sliding down his hand to lock his fingers with mine. The silk felt amazing. Our hands like puzzle pieces, fitting into each other's form like they were moulded that way. We were both blushing a little as we were greeted.


This is going to be fun! I thought as I knocked on the door to their shack. The door creaked as I banged on it, but Dipper seems to be more focused on what happened.

'We might as well hold hands' you say? I am gripping onto his wrist pretty tight. This is how humans do it right?

Since he's blushing and not scolding me I'd assume so.

What is this my face is doing?

"Hey Mabel this is someone I'd like you to meet! This is Will, my-uh-" he's stumbling on his own words, how adorable and human-like!

"Boyfriend, I'm his boyfriend Will." I would never do that! I can't, I'm too perfect!

"Wait, woah woah woah bro bro, you're BI?!" He's never told anyone? That's odd, maybe that's why he's so embarrassed!

Or maybe it's because he just got himself a new gorgeous boyfriend.

"Uhh, yeah... I've been meaning to tell you that for a while now but..." Oh. My. God. This guy is too cute.

"GUYS LOOK DIPPER'S GOT HIMSELF A HOT BOYFRIEND!!!" She screeched that so loud that I bet you can hear it from a mile away.

"Oh, thank you that's very flattering. Maybe try not to yell so loud next time and maybe don't go calling people "hot" in front of your husband, okay?" I needed to blurt that out. That dude is giving me a death glare. Calm down I'm taken!

"Uh, yeah, plus he's, he's" stop doing that you're too cute for your own good!

What is this feeling in my chest?

"Taken? Yeah he is. No reason to be nervous, Dippy" I made sure everyone watching knew that for sure with a smirk and a poking of Pinetree's nose.

How else could I get the point across?

"Congrats dipper good choice" Wendy was a bit more mature version of herself in high school.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Stanford Pines, Dipper here's great uncle" I just shook hands with Ford. If only he knew the dangers of it.

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