*Luke - Romeo and Juliet .1

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This is a imagine for Hemmings_Girl89!!! I hope you love it and thank you for waiting and being so patient!

-Your P.O.V-

You were currently staring across the crowded lunch room at the most gorgeous boy in the school.

Luke Hemmings.

He has it all.

He is that punk rock bad äss boy who's a lead singer in a band with a soft side. Boys like this only exist in girls dreams.

And they also exist now... right in front of your blue eyes.

He is tall with soft shiny blonde hair, sparkling blue eyes, and a lip ring that adorns his smile that can light up a whole room.

And he currently has you in a trance.

You shoved chips into your mouth as you watched him smile and talk to a crowd of people around him.

The only thing you could think about is how much you wished to be in that crowd.

"But Luke talking to the awkward Native American girl?" You mumbled to yourself, "never going to happen."

You threw away your lunch and left out of the crowded, loud lunchroom and into the empty abandoned halls.

You ran your hand along the tacky red lockers as you slowly made your way to your next class, English.

You walked in the compact class room and your eyes landed on Calum, one of Luke's best friends and band mates.

He curses quite a bit and is really weird and energetic. He can also be hella loud at times...

"Hey Shaylee!" Calum shouted when he noticed that you walked into the room.

As you walked pass Calum to take your seat right behind him when suddenly he held up his hand for a hi-five.

You hesitantly gave him one and quickly slipped into your desk.

"Why are you here so early?" You piped up tapping Cal on his shoulder.

He turned around a gave you a sad look, "Detention. I cursed 26 times yesterday in class remember. But it's a major improvement yea?"

"Yea," you said chuckling softly while Calum whipped his head back around hearing the teacher, Mrs. Franklin, enter the room.

She looked like one of those sexy teacher stereotypes that they use in music videos or other things dealing with the media.

Everything from her curly short brown hair to her tight pencil skirt and cleavage. She even wore red pumps often.

You sat there wondering why she was hired even though she looks like a sexy school teacher stereotype while the rest of your class slowly flooded in.

The bell rung and Mrs. Franklin went to shut the door when someone showed up.

She sighed and moved to the side to let the person in.

Your mouth dropped open when you saw the tall figure glide into the room.

Luke Hemmings.

You stated to sweat all over feeling your body heat rise.

Luke walked up to the row right beside yours and looked at the kid sitting next to Calum.

He sprung up out of his seat and immediately moved.

You couldn't tell if he was giddy or intimidated, it seemed like both.

He pulled up a desk and sat right behind you.

You turned around to give him a look of reassurance.

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