Chapter Two: [The Gate]

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Everywhere he looked, there was colour.

The soft yellows on the flowers worked in harmony with the bright greens of their stalks, the green of the grass becoming more intense as it flowed and cascaded down the hills. The trees around him had green, fresh leaves protecting the nest of the birds that lived underneath, lives free from the pressures and worries of his home world.

Even the calls of the sparrows rang with colour.

A bright melody, it sang of the seasons. The oranges of summer, beautiful and warm. The reds and browns of autumn, as the weather cools and leaves begin to fall. Autumn was the closest Luhan would ever get to his home world. The call of the birds talked of winter, of the cold nights spent huddled together in the nest.

However, one season shone brightest, the message outshining all others.

Spring prevailed in the song of the birds. Singing of new life, of new beginnings and of love.

Luhan let his arms fall limp by his sides, taking in the heady feeling of the sunshine, the love song of the birds, and the air. Beautiful and light, the air was cool, but nothing like he had experienced back in the spirit realm. Where in the spirit world he could find no light, he found it here. Where he could not find relaxation, he found it in abundance here.

There had been no life amongst the barren branches, the dust and the dirty white sky.

Life screamed at him from everywhere, embracing him with a soothing hug. It whispered from the forests, sang from the trees, and loved him with all the tenderness of a mother.

Luhan knew he would like it here, in the world of the living.

Opening his eyes, he noticed a city, far below. The boxy shapes of the buildings contrasted against the soft curves of the hills. Having nowhere to go now, he made the decision to make the trek down the hills down to the city.

One foot in front of the other, the grass crumpled underneath his feet. In his world, anything and everything if stepped on would collapse underneath the pressure. Here, Luhan was pleasantly surprised to find that the grass sprung back up, continuing on after it had been trampled. He could feel himself come closer and closer to the city with every step. The life there called him, pulling him towards it. It was as if it was trying to heal his broken soul, the edges rough from the years and years of desolation in the grey world.

-Two hours later-

The entrance to the city was a large, stone affair. It was grey, and dark. Somehow, it was not like any city entrances in his world. Luhan reached out, his cold, pale palm flat against the stone. Taking a moment, Luhan noticed that the stone was warm, from the sun. Even though the appearance was the same as the gates in his world, it could not be the same, no matter how hard one tried to make it. The sun gave it warmth, live giving heat, and so the stone was not unforgiving. It was nice to feel. Although rough it was soft to the touch, weathered by the years it had stood.

By now people had gathered around Luhan, noticing the boy who was at one with the stone. To them, they saw a pale boy with grey blonde hair, one of his hands lying against the stone. The expression on his face seemed to them a one of confusion, yet one of realisation at the same time.

To Luhan himself, his expression was not one of confusion. It was one of realisation, yes, but for him it also carried wonder. He could hardly believe his eyes that something that was in his world, could look exactly the same and still be so welcoming in the world of the living.

He shook his head, snapping him from his train of thought. People looked at him as he passed, their glances pregnant with curiosity. Luhan liked this, even if it meant being judged.

Continuing on his way, every thing he saw entranced him. Everything was the polar opposite of what he had known his whole 'life'. Only now had he decided to look up, and it was then he saw the blue of the sky. He wished that one day, the others in his world would see it; just as he did then and there. The sky was perfect, a mix of white clouds, and serene blue.

All his life he had spent time catching the wisps of blue, not ever seeing it all together, never seeing the complete picture. He had now, and it knocked the breath out of him. He took a deep breath in, inhaling the blue.

Blue felt nice.

Music pulsed from the shops, the people singing of life, love, and finally; of lost love. To anyone else, that would have been sad. To Luhan, it spoke to him, told him about the joys of love; and finally that sadness once that love had passed on.

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