Windows 7 and my computer hate me so they got together, went to the pub, got utterly wasted, and then devised a highly intricate plan to f*ck me over. Its called "Windows 7 Automatic Updates."
The feeling is entirely mutual, let me tell you.
I was halfway through writing the third chappie of my quad update but it decided to f*ck my life up. These updates can take hours, but my work was saved. As soon as the auto updates stop I completely promise to update. This is just an obstacle at the current moment in time.Also, this is to all the silent readers. Please, leave a comment. I dont care if you completely hate my story and thats why you are not commenting, go ahead and tell me. The only reason this story has 6 comments is because my real life friends read it. Well, and two other lovely people commented.
Seriously. Theres almost 4000 reads on this and 6 comments?
3994 people just read and leave. Im sorry if I sound rude, but just look at the numbers. Theres a three thousand nine hundred and ninety four number difference between reads and comments.Just, please comment if you can.
I really appreciate it.

[Hunhan] See You On The Other Side
FantasyThe world has been split in two since time began. One half, grey and lifeless. Another, colourful and lively. Luhan is a spirit wandering the grey world, and longs to join the living. He searches for a way to leave his world, and one day succeeds...